I just found out that I was voted Chicago’s Most Valuable Blogger (Dining and Entertainment Division)!!!!
Thank you soooooo much for your votes and support!!! I am literally speechless.
Given this will be the closest I will ever come to making an acceptance speech, I have to put out a couple of special thank yous.
Thank you to all of my readers who voted. It is obvious that this blog would mean nothing without all of you.
To my the family and friends who continue to cheer me on. (Oh no they are starting to play the music to tell me to wrap it up.)
And finally a thank you goes out to my dear, sweet, supportive husband. I won the husband lottery the day you married me. Thanks for being my biggest fan! I love you to bits. (Okay, maybe I wasn’t completely speechless.)
I am so proud to be your foodiest friend! I have been bragging to everyone! You deserve it Barb-a-rino!I have never met anyone with such a joy and passion for food as you. It shows in your recipes, your stories and your blog. I enjoy reading, and even more, MAKING the food yous share with us. Thanks for spicing up the world with your pasion and talnets. It makes life a tastier treat!
Love you Girlie!
I know you haven’t posted your pork wellington recipe, but I had to tell you! I made this for my future hubby and it blew his mind (then he blew mine, wink, wink!) He LOVED IT! It is now his official, never-have-to-ask request. He said for any special occasion, holiday, whatever, he wants pork wellington! And, if I am ever in trouble-yeah right!- I can make anything better with this dish. YES! our life together is fool-proof thanks to you and your piggy dish!
Thanks Barb!
Congratulations!!!! You were already MVB in my book. . . glad to see Chicagoland feels the same!
Congratulations! How happy I am for you both! Has Earl joined Weight Watchers’ yet?
Thanks Cuj! Earl will be fine…thank goodness he runs!!!
Thanks Tara!
Believe me it is my kitchen skills that has kept my hubby happy for the past 13 years! : )
You really are my foodiest but I consider you much more than a friend! Love you girly!!!
Thanks Dave for taking the time to post on the blog. It means a lot to me! : )
Keep up the good work! It is a delight to read your blog and you certainly deserve this award! Congratulations!
Thanks Denise. I always know who I can go to for food advice! : )