Hooray the sun is shining, itty-bitty green leaf buds popping out on my trees limbs and the daffodils are in full bloom….aaaahhhhh…Spring is finally looking like…well…spring!!!! I love everything about the newness of the season…well…almost everything. I don’t like the warmer days!!! Whaaaat??? I’m probably in the minority on this topic but it is just …
The Birthday Blog #47
Another year conquered….PHEW! Something weird happened this year…I think I started aging. (At least physically, I am still mentally very immature and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.) I looked in the mirror this morning and took notice of the little things that remind me that I am not getting any younger. I know …
Deviled Eggs 2017
Drum roll please….it is time for the Annual….DEVILED….EGGS…blog!!!!! (I guess I gave it away in the title.) Hooray!!!!!!!! I think this has become one of my favorite blogs on Felt Like a Foodie. I know that if I didn’t feel the pressure to write about deviled eggs every year…I probably wouldn’t force myself to experiment …
Egg-Citing Cliffhanger
I’ve received some requests for my annual “What to do with a deviled egg” post….I hope to post one this weekend. I’ve had a bit of a bug this week and haven’t been eating real food….with that said…I may do a post on the tastiest broths in the grocery store. Hang tight…I can’t makeup some …
Happy 20th Anniversary The Chopping Block
When you get up in the morning, do you ever think to yourself….Have I made a difference in anyone’s life? It doesn’t matter if you are the teacher of young minds, a doctor who heals, the barista with the perfect cappuccino or the housewife who greets everyone with a smile….you want to make a difference. …
Giving a Mushroom a Sponge Bath
*Small edit….spell check had spelled “gochujang” wrong….I think I corrected it. 🙂 Every time I introduce a “new to me” ingredient” (like the gochujang in my last post) I get feedback. Some folks find the information very usual and can’t wait to try it on their own. (Gold Star!) There are folks who claim they …
Theory of Eating New Foods
How do you feel about evolution? Don’t worry I’m not going to get all book smart on you and start on Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. (Um, because this is a food blog and not Scientific America…and because I would need someone to explain it to me first.) I’m curious if anyone has written a theory …
I Now Pronounce You…Confit
I’ve got a problem. I know there are some of you that just gasped and sat down. You grab a tissue and take a deep breath. You know that it must be big and you are just not sure you want to start you week by reading something that might not be cheery and wonderful. …
Chicken Not Pies
I have been cursing a lot of folks lately. Not is a voodoo kind of way. I just think of something I don’t like and say “Curse you..blank-ity…blank…blanks.” This morning I was cursing all the folks who were rejoicing in the 60-degree weather we had in January and February because today in NW Indiana it …
A girl walks into a bar…..
The door was pushed open with a gust of wind. As some leaves whooshed past the doorway, everyone in the bar turned the head to see what was coming next. They could hear a slight rustle as she walked in. With curly hair blown over her face, it took a moment for folks to realize …