The anger. The resentment. The name-calling. The accusations. The foulness. The glares. The ignorance. The bitterness. The pettiness. The disillusion. These are the words that keep streaming past my eyes when I think of one thing….being apathetic to pasta noodle options. It is such a personal decision and people take great pride in their choice. …
I’ve Lost My Appetite
As much as I hate talking about politics and would rather talk about food, I can’t get past today without pointing out the very obvious…it is Election Day. My husband and I went out and voted this morning. The line got long fast (2 of the 7 machines were already down). As more people would …
Chipping Away at My Angel Wings
Make good choices. This is what I tell my husband every time he has to make a food decision when I’m not around. Like a cute little angel on his shoulder, I like to be a constant reminder that the pantry can be the devil sometimes. To him a balanced meal is holding the bag …
Go Cubs Go
Pretty sea of blue Wafting slowly past my eyes Ebbing up and down A roar of pure emotion With a cheer of Go Cubs Go Today will be anything but a food blog (I did brush up on my poetic tanka skills). It is just purely a post of a lifelong Cubs fan. It is …
Therapy That Is Worth the Dough
“Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got. Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot.” Lately it seems like there are things stressing me out everywhere I look. I can’t turn on the news because the stories on bullies, crazy clowns and election antics keep freaking me …
Urban Accents Simmer Sauces-Your Culinary Wingman
Do you have a wingman (or wing person)? You know that person who helps you out when you just can’t do it on your own. It can be a guy in a bar who enchants women for his shy pal. It can be that person who helps you with your kids when you go to …
The Punishments and Rewards of Cooking Dinner
How do you get things done? Do you just do it? Are you a procrastinator? What is your motivation? I recently have figured out that I can get just about anything done if I offer myself a reward. It makes me feel better, kind of like getting a smiley face sticker on homework or a …
What I Learned at Chicago Gourmet
One of my favorite things about the 9th year of Chicago Gourmet is the fact that I learned so much. By tasting so many wonderful dishes, my mind was opened even more on how to intermingle texture, flavors and cultures. (In case you missed it, click here to see some of my favorite bites this …
Trying to Make Nice With Cauliflower Rice
Do you remember having a substitute teacher in school? Depending on the class, this imposter would come in and either be the coolest person in the world or a complete nightmare. They could be funny and laid back or be the kind who wants to quiz you on things you haven’t even learned again. Maybe …
Shaw’s Oyster Fest 2016
Close your eyes. Smell the saltiness of the ocean in the air. Feel a spray of water hit your face as a mental wave splashes on the shore. Can you feel where you are? If you stop long enough, I bet you can almost feel the rhythm of the tide under your feet. This is …