So it has been five weeks since surgery and everything is going as expected. I am still taking it easy and am getting a little stir crazy trying to fill my days around the house. I’ve had plenty of time to do crafts, read about food and watch copious amounts of television. The hardest part …
Reincarnation of Ravioli with Lobster Sauce
Do you ever have moments in your life where you are sure that you have been reincarnated? (Yep, I’m still on pain meds!) Were you a pioneer who crossed the plains in a covered wagon? Maybe you were a caveman who used to work in a quarry? (Or did that only happen on the Flintstones?) …
Potato Leek Soup Hold the Starch
I feel like I received a “Get Out of Jail Free” card this St. Patrick’s Day. I know there are folks out there that can’t wait for their corned beef and cabbage with some soda bread. Not me. I was thrilled that I am not up to cooking a lot so I had a legitimate …
Pi Day of the Century
So today is the big day for all my nerdy friends and readers. It is Pi Day!!! (Please note the date and time I posted this blog…3/14/15 9:26. Am I blowing your beautiful minds right now?) But why is Pi Day so special? First, because nerds need a reason to have a party!! Due to …
Prescription for Pasta
Sigh. I want to cook. I want to mess up the kitchen, hear the sizzles in a pan and make my house smell like heaven. I want to menu plan, prep ingredients and create my own dishes. I wish I could pick up my pans, use my measuring cups and taste for seasoning. I just …
Feeling Scrambled
Do you ever feel like your brain is scrambled? That confused feeling when you are trying to complete a simple task but for some reason it isn’t coming easily. You know the solution but for some reason you just can’t get there. (If I were a little older, I’d just say “senior moment” but I …
A Tale of Two Waffles
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness….(I know there is more to this but this is as much as I can remember.) I think the beginning of A Tale of Two Cities could also describe the recovery period …
50 Shades of Gray’s Anatomy
I woke up just lying there. My hand searched for my underpants and I was still bewildered as to what had happened. I called over and over for my husband. He arrived by my side with tears shining in his beautiful blue eyes, kissed my lips and told me he loved me. Do you think …
Liquid Diet Liberation
I am not someone who follows any kind of specific diet. I’m not paleo, gluten-free or low sodium. I don’t watch my sugars or fat intake. Right now with the state of my Crohn’s, whatever doesn’t make me sick, is usually on my menu. (And keeps me a size 00!) But every now and then …
Dog in a Goat’s World
Do you prefer peace? Are you most comfortable at home? Are you artistic but resistant to change? If so, this is your year! It is Chinese New Year and the Year of the Goat…or is that a Sheep? I think people lean towards the sheep because sheep are so cute and cuddly. I like to …