Small Town. Big Taste.

Showing: 321 - 330 of 712 RESULTS
Bread Breakfast

Crazy Monkey Bread

So it has been five weeks since surgery and everything is going as expected. I am still taking it easy and am getting a little stir crazy trying to fill my days around the house. I’ve had plenty of time to do crafts, read about food and watch copious amounts of television. The hardest part …


Prescription for Pasta

Sigh. I want to cook. I want to mess up the kitchen, hear the sizzles in a pan and make my house smell like heaven. I want to menu plan, prep ingredients and create my own dishes. I wish I could pick up my pans, use my measuring cups and taste for seasoning. I just …

Breakfast Eggs

Feeling Scrambled

Do you ever feel like your brain is scrambled? That confused feeling when you are trying to complete a simple task but for some reason it isn’t coming easily. You know the solution but for some reason you just can’t get there. (If I were a little older, I’d just say “senior moment” but I …


Liquid Diet Liberation

I am not someone who follows any kind of specific diet. I’m not paleo, gluten-free or low sodium. I don’t watch my sugars or fat intake. Right now with the state of my Crohn’s, whatever doesn’t make me sick, is usually on my menu. (And keeps me a size 00!) But every now and then …