It is funny. Before I write a blog, I try to research the topic to make sure I am being somewhat factual. (Nope, that isn’t the funny part.) I mean, just in case my blog comes up in someone’s search engine on a topic, I want to be considered a good resource. (Still not the …
Foodie Fun Day: Ramen Workshop at The Chopping Block (and Guest Blog)
I have a confession. I cheated on Felt Like a Foodie this week. Part of me feels kind of dirty but I also have gotten a rush out of it. Don’t worry, I did it safely….I did spell check, grammar check and didn’t do it for a check. (I’m not that kind of blogger!) I didn’t …
For the Love of Pho
It is a week before Valentine’s Day so the time is right to tell you of my new love. My beloved is HOT, satisfying and good for me. I want every liaison to last forever and I long for it on my lips. It is something I dream about and is the base of many …
Am I Blue Pasta
Am I blue, am I blue Ain’t these tears in my eyes telling you Am I blue, you’d be too If each plan with your in-laws done fell through Was a time I was their only one But now I’m the sad and lonely one, lonely Was I happy till today Now they’re gone and …
Super Bowel 2015
Writing a food blog is more humbling than one might imagine. You get to have experiences with people and food that are unimaginable. And with each of these occurrences, I sit and wonder how did I ever get so lucky. (Kind of like how the players must feel when they get to a Super Bowl.) …
Getting to the Heart of Dinner
What should we have for dinner? I don’t usually ask my husband this question. It is not because I don’t want to fulfill his needs. (I’m still talking about dinner…not the other naughty stuff.) It is because his response is usually farfetched. He wants something that requires a major grocery shopping trip, hours in the …
A Toast To Vegans
If you put your friends into a Venn diagram, what would be the intersection? Would it be their looks or economic class? (That would be a little shallow!) Maybe it is their love of sports or the outdoors? It could be something as simple as the fact that you grew up together and you remained …
Pesto from Another World
Winter in a small town is like being transported to another world. (I mean a new place not the soap opera, Another World, but that would be kind of cool to live in a pretend soap opera world.) There is a peacefulness because unless you have somewhere to go….you stay home. You get projects down …
Red Gold Simple Gourmet Lasagna
“Food Brings People Together” is the newest campaign of Red Gold Tomatoes. As a family owned company, they only work with local family farms to help us make great meals for family and friends at home. Since I am part of Red Gold’s adopted blog family, they gave me a challenge to help promote their …
Tinga-ling with Self Awareness
If I had to give a title to this winter, I think I would call it the Winter of Self-Awareness. (I’m not talking the naughty self-awareness that no one ever talks about.) I’m talking about looking into myself and being aware of some things I want to change. I’ve stayed home a lot due to …