Why don’t you like me? Is it my color? Do you think I’ll make you fat? Maybe my gooey insides freak you out? Could it be that you just don’t like things that are different? These are questions poached eggs would like to ask you. (By you, I am referring to all the people who …
Ty Cobb Salad?
My husband and I did something the other day that we haven’t done for a loooooong time. It is stereotypically something guys want to do more than girls but this time I was pushing for it. The interesting thing is that he only wanted to do it if we had another couple involved. Since I …
The Devil is in the Detail Eggs
One of the many highlights of writing Felt Like a Foodie is the communication I have with my readers. I get Facebook posts telling them that I made them laugh. I get comments on how they tried a recipe and just loved it! And then I get some emails that are let’s say a little …
Feeling Scrambled
Do you ever feel like your brain is scrambled? That confused feeling when you are trying to complete a simple task but for some reason it isn’t coming easily. You know the solution but for some reason you just can’t get there. (If I were a little older, I’d just say “senior moment” but I …
Where Do Chicken Babies Come From?
It is that time of year….deviled egg season. When I started to create this year’s variations, I had to admit something to myself. I don’t know where chicken babies come from. One of our friends brought me 2 dozen beautiful, fresh farm eggs. Talk about authentic…they still had hay and poop on them! (The poop …
Are You Gonna Quiche Me Or Not?
It is funny how things change over time. Behavior that is normal in one decade may be deemed abnormal the next. My grandparent’s generation had very definite roles for men and women. Women were the caregivers and men were bringing home the bacon. My parents generation started to change the roles with women fighting for …
Eggs Benedict Arnold
I am a traitor….a dirty, rotten traitor. Now I am not the kind of traitor who switches alliances during a war or the kind who divulges international secrets on the Internet. I’m not even a tattletale or playground snitch. (My sister’s may dispute those claims.) I am a food traitor. My husband, Earl, has been …