Small Town. Big Taste.

Showing: 11 - 18 of 18 RESULTS

Counting Your Dressings

How many people actually use up a bottle of salad dressing?  I know I have them in my refrigerator but they are barely ever used up.  If I have an Italian based flavor, it is usually poured over chicken as a marinade on a grill night.  But what about all the other ones that just …


Lettuce Be Friends

I asked my husband the other night what he wanted for dinner.  The only thing that sounded good to him was a salad.  He didn’t want a salad so he could watch his waistline.  He wanted a manly salad that filled his belly.  It had to be chock full of meats, veggies and cheeses.  The …

Salads Side Dish

Safer Summer Spud Salad

So it is officially summer and you know what that means?  BBQ’s, picnics, parties and any excuse to get together and eat! I love a good gathering of my people but I get nervous when I see food sitting out especially in the warmer weather.  It is hard to enjoy yourself if you are wondering …


Beet it!

There are foods out in the world that I had convinced myself that I would never eat due to my past years of being a picky eater.  The beet had the distinction of being one of those foods. I had only really seen them on a salad bar glistening like slices of overcooked Jell-O.  I …

Fruit Recipe Salads

Master of My Romaine

I really wasn’t sure if I was going to post this recipe or not.  It includes a subject that some people consider “wrong” or “shameful”.  I am not one to hide from controversy so I am going to just toss it out there Seinfeld-style.  Yes, you guessed it.  I want to talk about maceration.  (It’s …