Happy Easter!!! I’m sure many of you have spent the day working hard in your kitchens making your family’s favorite holiday meal. (Or if you don’t celebrate Easter, you enjoyed the crowdless malls and movie theatres!) Either way, Monday is right around the corner and it is time to figure out something easy to make …
The Model Recipe: BA’s Chicken Khao Soi
I am proud to say I am a cover girl. Are you? As you know, it can be pretty time consuming and overwhelming but the results are worth it. By cover girl of course I mean that I see a food magazine cover and I just have to make the recipe in the spotlight. They …
Polygamy Soup
I’ve officially been writing Felt Like a Foodie for two years and I feel like I have been keeping a huge secret from my reader’s. Or maybe it isn’t a secret. Maybe you have been able to read between the lines and come to this conclusion on your own. The fact is I am a …
Year of the Snake Soup
Hiisssssss!!!! (That is how a snake would say Happy New Year!) The year of the Dragon is coming to an end and the Year of the Snake will slither in this weekend. I’ve read a lot about “snake people” and I must say I am now intimidated. (Snake people were born in the years:1905, 1917,1929,1941,1953,1965,1977, …
Italian Sausage Soup…There is no substitute
Substitute. Is it a good word or a bad word? Do you hear it and shudder or jump for joy? I started thinking about that word yesterday. It is kind of interesting that substitute is such a simple word and yet has many connotations. (Yep, that is the kind of stuff I find interesting.) For …
Stone Soup
One of my favorite folk tales is called Stone Soup. Every nationality seems to have their own version of the story but the moral is always the same. Do you know the story? A group of hungry travelers comes to a town with nothing more than a pot for a possession. The Village People snub …
Almost Kevin Potato, Sausage and Kale Soup
As a child of divorce, you get used to some of the quirks that come from a “broken” family. You don’t get to say good night in person to both parents. You spend a lot of time repeating stories and forgetting which parent already heard it. And you worry a lot about the one you …
A Souper Election Year
I am Barbara Felt-Miller and I approved this post. It is an election year and you can’t look anywhere without seeing something about the candidates. I understand that voting process is complicated. (I did see every School House Rock.) The part I don’t understand is why is there so much “smack talking.” People these days …
Comfort Food: Tomato Soup
Comfort. By the time March rolls around in the Midwest, I am looking for comfort from the cold in everything. I want a big fleecy woobie (blanket made from fleece with a colorful pattern) around me at all times. My weekend wardrobe consists of something with elastic around the waist and fuzzy material. (Yes, I …
French Onion Soup Worth Yelling About
It is rich. It is warm. It is a little sweet and a little salty. Its depth of flavor will make you close your eyes in delight. And it can easily be found on menus but not necessarily what you want. (Okay, where am I going with this?) I am talking about French Onion Soup. …