Do you have specific things that your mom said to you growing up that ring in your ears as part of your everyday life? It can be little things like the way she said I love you or how she answered the phone. It can be little affirmations that she would tell you all the …
Mexican Corn Monday
Tomorrow is Tuesday!!!! Do you observe Taco Tuesday? I write that like it is a religious holiday and to some it is one. Simply, it is the weekly ritual of eating tacos on Tuesday. (It would be cool if there was a little more than that like maybe doing a shred the cheese dance or …
Emoticons and Eggplants
When you are in a conversation and you misunderstand something, what is your reaction? Do you just smile, nod and take a sip of your drink with the hopes that is enough to be considered part of the exchange? Do you furrow your brow, smirk and think about other things? Maybe you just widen your …
Giving a Mushroom a Sponge Bath
*Small edit….spell check had spelled “gochujang” wrong….I think I corrected it. 🙂 Every time I introduce a “new to me” ingredient” (like the gochujang in my last post) I get feedback. Some folks find the information very usual and can’t wait to try it on their own. (Gold Star!) There are folks who claim they …
Trying to Make Nice With Cauliflower Rice
Do you remember having a substitute teacher in school? Depending on the class, this imposter would come in and either be the coolest person in the world or a complete nightmare. They could be funny and laid back or be the kind who wants to quiz you on things you haven’t even learned again. Maybe …
Get Into My Jar
Finally… feels like spring!!!!!!!! HOOOORAY!!!!! My chore list for outside is a mile long but I am putting my vegetable garden first. I had started seeds inside this year and will confess that it was a complete fail. My yield was in the single digits. Sigh. I don’t know if I planted the seeds too …
Giving My Mom a Hand
I spent most of the weekend getting my vegetable garden ready for planting. Silly cultivating things like picking weeds and moving dirt around. I started a lot of seeds inside this spring and hope that in the next few weeks they’ll be able to make their way off my kitchen table and into the side …
Big Girl Panties
One of the things that I’m most proud about with Felt Like a Foodie is that I “try” to stay positive in the things I write about. (With the exception of teasing my hubby, in-laws and people in pajama pants.) But recently there is something that is really getting my undies in a bunch. I …
No News IS Good News
Dim the lights. Get under a blanket. Cue the scary music. Today I am going to share some frightening things with you so I thought I would set the mood first. Are you ready? (Make sure you aren’t drinking any hot beverages as you read this because I don’t want you to jerk suddenly and …
Green Bean Fiends
Fiends. I keep hearing that word in my head every time I watch the news in the last couple of weeks. I usually stay away from current events on Felt Like a Foodie but the monsters that seem to be popping out of the crevices of this Earth seem to be haunting me. I feel …