I can’t believe Labor Day is over. OVER!!!!!!!! Did you barbeque or spend some time outside? Did you just enjoy the extra day off in your workweek? We’ve done the same thing for the past seventeen years…..we celebrate our anniversary. There are some years we go away and others we just go out for a …
His Wish is My Command….Sometimes
Did you hear me the other day? At the top of my lungs, I was screaming “You want to do what?” After all these years later, Hubby has finally lost it. It all started when he came home from work. His routine is to walk in the door and start telling me about his day …
Eggplant…Nice or Nefarious
Nefarious. Nefarious? I know I have heard that word before but I wasn’t positive of the meaning. There is a commercial on television that uses that word. Kudos to an advertising group that uses words with more than three syllables! It was kind of refreshing for me to hear a word and have to look …
Roasted Roma Tomato Soup
I will have to apologize to all my anti-gardening, tomato hating readers. I think the next couple blogs are going to be tomato-centric. When I planted my garden this year, I went a little bananas on tomatoes. (I would not recommend actual bananas on tomatoes. Besides the fact that I really despise bananas, that combination …
Tomatoes Are Grate
I’ve got kind of a buzz going. My head is in a cloud and I’m having a hard time focusing. I have taken so many hits lately; I even have the munchies. No. I am not taking drugs….legal or recently legalized in some states. (Seriously, I am anti-drugs….hugs not drugs is my motto!) I am …
Take a Dip in My Garden
I’ve been growing a vegetable garden for the last few years. It has been fun walking around the house to grab a tomato or a zucchini. (I didn’t venture much further than those items.) This year I wanted to expand the garden and grow everything from seed. (Previous years, I bought little plants.) It was …
Ramping Up My Spring Dinners
This last week has definitely felt like spring to me. I wake up to the birds chirping happy melodies, the trees are displaying every shade of green and the sun just seems to be brighter. I can open a window and smell the freshness only a spring breeze can provide and the temperature is neither …
All I am I am Saying is Give Snow Peas a Chance
I love epiphanies or what some call light bulb moments. You know what I’m talking about…those instances when you brain wakes and tells you the reasoning about feelings you have about something. It is like all of a sudden “POW” and a topic you’ve never understood finally makes sense. (When I have an epiphany, I …
A Toast To Vegans
If you put your friends into a Venn diagram, what would be the intersection? Would it be their looks or economic class? (That would be a little shallow!) Maybe it is their love of sports or the outdoors? It could be something as simple as the fact that you grew up together and you remained …
Bean Thinking About Thanksgiving
Writing a food blog around Thanksgiving is really a funny thing. It is one of those holidays you just don’t mess around with because people are really set in their ways of what needs to be on the table. Do you only have mashed potatoes or is it okay to add some scalloped? Maybe you …