One of the best things about being a blogger is that I can find out fun facts about food and then relay that information to my readers. (And everything I say must be true because it is on the Internet.) So today I thought I’d share some thoughts on egos…kale egos. I don’t think most …
Change is Good: Red Lentil Soup
I don’t like change. I’m not talking about coin change; I’m talking about adapting to something new. We experience change every day in the weather or what we eat or which undies we are wearing. (I like changing underwear; it is so refreshing. Don’t you think?) I do okay with daily changes but unexpected changes …
Happy Bastille Day?
Happy Bastille Day to all of my French Readers!!! (Unless you only read French and then you probably don’t follow Felt Like a Foodie.) I actually don’t know much about Bastille Day. (I’m a lousy historian.) After about 30 minutes online, I still didn’t know anything about Bastille Day. (I also have a lousy attention …
I’ve “Bean” Working in the Garden
Growing vegetables in your backyard (or side of the house in my case) is kind of a funny thing. I started a garden so I could cook “farm” fresh veggies in my kitchen. The funny part comes in because once I started my garden; I was too exhausted to cook in the kitchen. (I’ll leave …
Not A Day At The Beach
I keep hearing it every time I walk into the kitchen. Da-dum. Da-dum. (You know the frightening music when Jaws was about to attack.) The hair on my arm stands on end and I know it is going to bite me in the butt. Da-dum. Da-dum. I am so scared. I don’t think I am …
Tapping into My Roots
Recently I have seen and heard from a lot of family members. I have different relationships, as we all do, with different people. (Except for the imaginary people…all of those relationships tend to be very shallow and all about ME!) When I talk to my mom, we talk about everything under the sun. (One time …
My First Meatless Monday
I always find it interesting to find back-stories about food “trends.” I never 100% know who is telling the whole truth but it is always interesting to read what is out there on the Web. (Because if it is on the Web we know it is the truth, right?) So when one of my readers …
Not A Caponata
In the Midwest, our gardens are just starting to produce some veggies and the anticipation is unbelievable. (Seriously, this is the most excitement I have right now.) I get out a couple times a day and talk to my plants. Our conversations are very one sided but fulfilling for all who are involved. I do …
Bouncing Baby Bok Choy
I am going to look back on 2012 and remember it as my year of discovering vegetables. I guess “discover” is really not the word to use since the veggies have been around. (Okay, Christopher Columbus got away with it with that whole “Discovering America” thing but let’s not quibble on semantics.) Between going to …
Kohlrabi Coolslaw
One of my new rules when I go Farmer’s Markets is that I have to look for an ingredient that is not part of my regular grocery list. It can be something as easy as delicious creamy cheese or as challenging as a vegetable that I’ve never seen before. The key is for me to …