There are a lot of things I like about going out to breakfast. Most restaurants have some sort of fun dish that I wouldn’t take time to make at home. Or maybe they carry a unique ingredient that is hard to find. But what really gets me excited is when I see something absolutely BONKERS on a menu. (I love when I can use bonkers in a sentence.)
I was out to breakfast with the girls last month and we were trying out a new place. The menu had its usual bacon and egg fare and a really good coffee menu. But it was pancake and French toast menu that got me all giggly.
This part of the menu was rich with creative dishes like carrot pancakes, pineapple upside down cakes, French toast stuffed with peanut butter and bananas and the one dish I had only dreamt of as a child…..French toast crusted in frosted flakes and almonds!!!!
I had to have it. The only thing that would have made it my dream breakfast is if it were Krispy Kremes coated in frosted flakes! (I rarely have a sweet tooth but every now and then I get a hankering for sweets at breakfast…another great word..hankering.)
The French toast was delicious. Each bite was a bit of sweetness complimented with a bite of salty almond. I would have liked more almonds on it and a savory sauce but I know if we go to that restaurant again, I would order the same thing. (I wouldn’t have the coffee again because between the sugar and caffeine, I was riled!)
So I knew I had to recreate the dish in a way that wouldn’t make my mom want to ground me for eating junk for breakfast. (I don’t think she ever grounded me but the phrase “sugar is poison” was heard a lot in our house.)
My version has more almonds, coats only one side of the bread and has a lip-smacking maple-almond butter sauce. Any way you slice it, it is Gr-r-reat!!!!!
Gr-r-reat French Toast
4 eggs
1 cup skim milk
½ tsp almond extract
1 cup frosted flakes
1 cup almonds
10 slices of your favorite bread
1 cup of almond butter
¼ cup maple syrup
In a small saucepan, add maple syrup and almond butter. Whisk together over low heat. Keep warm until you are ready to serve, stirring often.
Roughly chop almonds and cereal in a food processor. You want it to be big and flaky and not powder. Set aside in a pie plate
In a separate pie plate, beat eggs. Add milk and almond extract
Heat your buttered skillet over medium low heat.
Place bread slices one at a time in egg mix (coat both sides of the bread) and then coat one side with the cereal mixture.
Transfer the coated bread to the skillet and cook until brown. Flip and brown other side.
Place on a cookie sheet in a warm oven and finish the rest of your bread in the same manner.
To serve, swirl with a dollop of almond butter syrup and a syringe of insulin. (Just kidding, you can use regular syrup if you don’t like almond butter.)
Serves 4.
Caution: Do not serve at your kid’s slumber party unless everyone is going home IMMEDIATELY after breakfast!
Since I am writing this on Mother’s Day weekend, I thought I’d give a shout out to some of the places that have been so kind to me this past year. They are all wonderful options for your favorite Mom. (They are in alphabetical order so I wouldn’t show any favoritism…just like MOM…except I know I’m the favorite!)
Happy Mother’s Day
Bistro 157 Open 4-8 on Mother’s Day
GT Fish & Oyster Mother’s Day Brunch 10 am – 3 pm
Mercat a la Planxa AWESOME Sunday Brunch!
Michael Jordan’s Steakhouse Yummy Surf and Turf Special!!
Piccolo Sogno I’m not sure if they are open on Sunday so take Mom on Saturday! : )
RA Sushi Happy Hour pricing all day!
Rockit Bar & Grill Have a rockin’ good brunch!
WAVE Brunch 10-2
Yumz Gourmet Frozen Yogurt 15% off for Moms and Grandmas, I wonder if Aunts get any discounts? : )