Where did this week go? I am thrilled that it flew by because it was a bit cold and dreary. Add to that, my hubby (Earl) has had to work a lot and I must say that I missed the guy. I am actually looking forward to the weekend so we can have a little time together. (Look for a blog on Monday where I say I am so glad the weekend is over so I can have some alone time.)
Besides the quality time together, I love that Earl is in charge of meals on one of our weekend days. As much as I like to cook, it is nice not to think about food 24/7.
The problem is that being in charge of meals has a different meaning to us. I think he should plan 3 meals and a snack for me but the dialogue in our house goes a little differently. (We have had the same conversation every Sunday for the past 17 years!)
It goes something like this…
Me: Remember you are in charge of meals today.
Earl: Great, you are on the menu.
Me: Eeeww! Stop being disgusting.
Earl: Okay, you’ll just be dessert.
Me (irritated): Fine. I’ll take care of the flipping meals AGAIN. I don’t have to ever have a day off.
Earl: Just kidding. Let’s go to Starbucks.
Barb: Coffee isn’t food.
Earl: I can get food there and you love coffee.
Barb: Okay, let’s go.
(We sit at Starbuck’s, drink coffee, Earl eats banana bread and play backgammon.)
Barb: We are done with our coffee. We should go home and get something done.
Earl: Well we are out and it is lunchtime.
Barb: We have food at home.
Earl: But we are right here and I’m in charge of food today so I say we go to lunch.
Barb: Okay but you need to think about what you are doing about dinner.
(We go out to lunch, go home and Earl falls asleep in his chair.)
Barb: What are we doing for dinner?
Earl: Do you want pizza or a burger?
Barb (irritated): EARL….we ate out for lunch!!! We have perfectly good food here.
Earl: I ate a lot at lunch but didn’t have any dessert. (Wink. Wink.)
Barb (really irritated): ARghhhh! You drive me nuts. I need food. This is why I’m so skinny. You are starving me and work me like a sex slave on a made for television movie. (I’ve never said that but I think I need work it in on next conversation.)
Earl: Ummm, I’ll take care of it.
(Opens up refrigerator. Closes Refrigerator. Opens refrigerator. Closes Refrigerator.)
Earl: We don’t have anything to eat.
Barb: Seriously, how did you survive before me?
Earl (all cute and cuddly): You have spoiled me and I can’t remember how to do anything. You are the most perfect wife in the world and if I were a carpenter I’d build you a pedestal for you so that the world could see the treasure I have in my life. (Okay, that is pure fiction too.)
Barb (very hungry): Fine. I’ll make us sandwiches since we just wasted two hours talking about this BUT next week…..you are on meals.
Role Reversal Turkey and Cheese Sandwich
Makes two sandwiches
3 Tablespoons of soft margarine
2 Tablespoons chopped spinach
4 Tablespoons of shredded Swiss or gruyere (I had some leftover from my quiche that I made the other day)
4 slices of walnut cranberry bread (or any other tasty nutty bread with nuts and berries)
4 slices Gruyere cheese
6 slices of your favorite turkey breast
A spoonful of love (Because if you make a sandwich when you are angry it gives you an upset stomach.)
In a small bowl, mix the shredded cheese, margarine and spinach. It will be kind of lumpy and clumpy. That is fine.
Spread this mixture on the outside sides of the bread. Yes, it is a little messy but lick your fingers while you cook because you don’t care about good hygiene when you it isn’t really your turn to cook. (I don’t do that….I lick his sandwich!)
On the inside part, put one slice of cheese, turkey slices and then the remaining slice of cheese.
It should look like a sandwich with lumpy cheesy buttery stuff on the outside.
Heat a nonstick griddle to medium.
Gently put your sandwiches on the griddle and DO NOT TOUCH them. You are going to be tempted to lift it up and see what is going on but you need to resist.
If you do lift it up, the cheese will be really stringy.
Your goal is to let the cheese caramelize and get toasty and crispy.
For me, it took about 3-4 minutes. Go by smell. It should start to smell nutty not burnt. Use a spatula and take a tiny peek. (Or just put a clump of the cheese mixture on the griddle and watch it change before your very eyes. It is a good indicator and a great excuse to heat a hunk of browned cheese.)
Flip the sandwich and let the other side get nice and brown.
Barb: (Plopping the sandwich down on the counter): Good thing I love you or we’d be going to bed hungry. (That unfortunately IS what I choose to say to my husband.)
Earl: Thank you. You are awesome. Can we discuss dessert?
Barb: Sigh. (There is always hope for the next weekend!)