Are you ready for some football? (Um, not really.) Super Bowl XLVI will be played on February 5 in Indianapolis Indiana. It should be a great game between the New York Giants and the New England Patriots given the amazing season both teams had this year. (Okay, I have no clue how their year went but I assume it was good since they made it to the Super Bowl!)
Since I am a food blogger and not a sports blogger, I had to think of a way to make an interesting Super Bowl post today without sounding like a complete idiot. (Or is it too late for that?)
I know, let’s toss out some Super Bowl trivia for you to share and impress your friends. (If this impresses your friends, I think you need to start hanging out with a sharper caliber of playmates.)
Super Bowl TRIVIA
- 8 Million Pounds of guacamole are consumed on Super Bowl Sunday.
- 14,500 Tons of chips are dipped into that guacamole.
- 100 MILLION pounds of chicken wings will be ingested.
- The healthiest vegetable served at most Superbowl parties is celery. (It goes well with the wings.)
- 9 Millions of pieces of pizza will be eaten.
- 32% of the parties will serve some sort of dip.
- 11.2 Million potato chips will be munched. (They go will with the dip.)
- Over 55,000 hot dogs will be served at the stadium.
- 48 Million people will order some sort of take out food other than pizza.
- 3.8 Million pounds of popcorn will be popped. (I am assuming that is pre-popped weight.)
- The average fan will consume 1200 calories and 50 grams of FAT!! (Go big or go home, right?)
- 51.7 Million cases of beer will be sold. (Do you have a designated driver?)
- 4.3 Million pounds of pretzels will consumed.
- Super Bowl Sunday is the most popular grilling day in the winter!
- Antacid sales usually go up 20% the day after the Super Bowl.
Boy, are you going to be the hit of the party with all of that knowledge! (Actually the person who brings the best food is the hit so bring some lettuce wraps so you don’t get kicked out.)
Lettuce Wraps
Sauce 1 (Stir Fry Sauce)
3 Tablespoons light soy sauce
2 Tablespoons light brown sugar
½ teaspoon rice wine vinegar
Mix all ingredients in small bowl, set aside.
Sauce 2 (Dipping Sauce)
3 Tbsp sugar
¼ cup water
2 Tablespoons light soy sauce
2 Tablespoons rice wine vinegar
2 Tablespoons tomato sauce
1 Tablespoon lime juice
Dash of sesame oil
Chili garlic sauce per your taste. (1-2 tsp)
A little Chinese mustard tastes good too.
Mix all of the ingredients, place in serving dish and set aside.
Lettuce Wrap
Grapeseed oil
½ pound ground chicken (or turkey)
½ cup diced water chestnuts
4 ounces of shitake mushrooms, diced
¼ cup green onion, chopped
1 tsp garlic, minced
Iceberg lettuce (rinse, place in baggie, and put in fridge to make it crisp)
Heat a couple tablespoons of grapeseed oil in large sauté pan over medium high heat.
Cook chicken until done and remove from pan and keep warm.
Add a little more oil to the pan; add garlic until it is fragrant. (About 1 minute.)
Add chestnuts and mushrooms and sauté for a few minutes until mushrooms release their water.
Add chicken back to pan and add the stir-fry sauce. (Sauce 1)
Let it cook for another 2 minutes.
To serve, spoon filling into lettuce cup. Allow your guests to add some of the dipping sauce!
I hope everyone has a great Super Bowl Sunday. Enjoy the game, eat some fun food and be safe! Go Team!!! (Who is playing again?)
Loved this! Very entertaining! 🙂
The best part of the Super Bowl is the food!! (2nd biggest food “holiday” next to Thanksgiving!)