It was bound to happen. It started with a sneeze followed with the sound of trumpets coming from the nose. A few coughs are thrown in for good measure and maybe a complaint of a sore throat. The world is now about to end. It is worse than just a cold and it isn’t just a flu…. it is the Man-Flu.
In our house Man-Flu is what I call the drama that seems to come along with any cold my husband gets. When he gets sick it is like the apocalypse. I just want it over.
But I’m about to say something that men everywhere can carry with them next time they are sick and their caring wives are calling them babies. (Yep, I call my husband a baby when he is sick. I am the worst caretaker….EVER!)
Women can be babies when they are sick too.
I’ve had a cold for at least 21 days!!! 21 DAYS!!!!! I am here to admit that I am not a perfect patient when I have the sniffles. I am actually worse than a….man! (I have just set the women’s movement back. Sorry Gloria Steinem.)
Water glasses have to be filled (because there needs to be one by the couch and by the bed.) I don’t only want my water glass; they have to be the right glass. Sometimes I want a straw but then sometimes it just hurts to pucker.
I need to have lozenges. Not just any lozenges, it must be an assortment of different mint lozenges and they must be sugar free. (And don’t you dare try to slip one in with a cough syrup center!)
My blanket aka woobie needs to be clean at all time. If you dare switch it out to wash it, I want another woobie with either a fox or an owl on it. The plain ones are too boring and the one with dots makes my head feel dizzy. (And when the original woobie comes out of the dryer, you get bonus points for rushing it upstairs and putting it on me while it is still warm.)
When it comes to tissues, I’m low maintenance. I like plain old Kleenex. It holds up and has a good fling factor when I whipping it toward the garbage. Please note: I rarely make it into the can. My husband has lost 2 inches from his waist because he has been picking them up. (Apparently he finds it disgusting when a wet tissue sticks to his feet.)
But my worst crime during my man-flu has to be when it comes to food. I know I can be picky when I’m sick but when I’m sick and can barely taste anything…..WATCH OUT!
I’m at that point where nothing makes me happy. My nose is raw. My throat is bright red. Heck, my tongue was dry! (Who has a dry tongue besides a kitten?)
I woke up this morning, hubby was at work and my nose is just pouring. (This is not one of my more appetizing food blogs, is it?) I just wanted something hot and spicy to open me up.
With that said, I am going to share with you probably one of the weirdest things I like to eat when I’m sick. McCormick’s Brown Gravy. Don’t judge me.
I keep at least 5 packets in my pantry at all time. There is just something about it that comforts me when I’m sick. I do doctor it up with 1 tsp of garlic, ½ of a lemon, 1 tsp of lemon pepper and splash of hot sauce. (It sounds like something a little kid would put together when given free reign of the kitchen.) I eat it straight out of the microwave bowl with a spoon….no crackers, no bread, just a spoon.
For me, it is the ultimate cold food. So I’ll apologize for not having a real recipe and for EVER teasing the men in my life for being complete wimps when they are sick. I bow down to your sneezes and coughs and have proven that I am the biggest cold wuss ever to exist!
- 1 packet brown gravy (It has to McCormick. It is the best.)
- 1 cup water
- 1 tsp garlic
- 1 tsp lemon pepper
- Juice from 1/2 a lemon
- Dash of hot sauce
- In a 4 cup microwave safe dish, add water, gravy mix, garlic, lemon pepper and lemon juice.
- Microwave on high for 1 minute, stir.
- Microwave on high for 1 minute, stir.
- Microwave on high for 1 minute, stir.
- Add a dash of hot sauce.
Brown gravy doesn’t do it for me. Must be Cream of Wheat or Campbell’s Veggie Beef Soup, probably the only two things my hubby could (didn’t say would) cook for me when I had a raging head cold. Feel better!
Brown gravy will never match the cheese chunks and bacon you used to make me!!!
He must love you–picking up your soggy Kleenex. Yuch! And the recipe sounds like someone enduring their last moments. Other than that, this is a lovely post.
Thanks Jim!!! As you know with marriage, you sometimes have to do the gross stuff. : )