What does television mean to you? Are you one of those people who has favorite programs? Can you watch a series over and over again because you enjoy the characters so much? I probably have watched more than my fair share of TV but in my mind….I didn’t just watch….I was part of the cast. …

Pump Up the Jammy Egg
What do you think of eggs? Are they a go-to morning food or do you eat them anytime of the day? Are you only a scrambled person or do you change it up based upon your mood? Do you look at a meal and think it would be better with an egg on top or is your …

Have an Olive Day
One of the best things about blogging about food is that there are opportunities to learn around every corner. It doesn’t always have to be about food, it can also give you an experience to learn a little bit about yourself by meeting legends in the industry. On Tuesday, May 8, 2018, I was invited …

Cliche Lemonade
When does a saying turn into a cliché? I never realized that “clichés” were frowned upon. I have a bone to pick with the people who are on the anti-cliché wagon. I thought there was no time like the present to publicly support these taboo sayings. It actually makes me feel like I have …

Frico-ing Out Over My Great Ham & Cheese
Do you ever eat something and then become obsessed? Maybe you go eat it multiple times. Maybe you use the google to find out recipes or restaurants that you can find it at. Maybe you dream about it and wake up with your pillow in your mouth. (My husband wakes up that way sometimes…..but it …

BS Birthday Blog (Brussels Sprouts Birthday)
I had an epiphany last week. I seem to have a lot of them lately. They are true lightbulb moments that I sometimes look up to see if a lightbulb just flashed over my head. I’m wondering if epiphanies come with age or I need maybe I just need to be medicated. (Now I’m thinking of one …

Learning, Loving and Beef Stroganoff
Whether you are married, coupled or a parent, you learn things about your housemate(s) or at least you should learn things. I’ve been with my husband long enough to know the good stuff like he will be the first to apologize no matter what the issue, he always kisses me goodbye in the morning …

Not Reinventing The Wheel or Cobb Salad
Reinventing the wheel. Some say we should always be thinking of how to make things better and more efficient. We can improve on concepts, make things visually more appealing and keep trying to better a product. We keep thinking that we can improve on things and yet we go back to square one…to the original…to …

Xiao Long Bao Or Mistake Memoir
Practice makes perfect or in some cases practice is just practice. My past weekend goal was to make Chinese Soup Dumplings (Xiao Long Bao). Known also as basket dumplings or XLB, they are probably my favorite dim sum option. To make them, you need to plan a day or so ahead because one of the …

Taking Steps
Let me apologize for being a bit distracted this week and not getting a food blog up. I signed up this week to “Take Steps” with the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation at the end of April. It is a small walk in Fort Wayne, Indiana but it is a huge step for me. I wanted …