New Flash. March is National Noodle Month!!!! Did you know that? Do you need an excuse to eat more noodles? I don’t. I was all excited to write this awesome blog on Udon Noodles and then I got corrected that “technically” Udon Noodles aren’t noodles. This is where the food world is confusing to me. …

A Mean Blood Orange Salad
There is something about the end of winter that brings out the worst in people. I don’t know if it is the cold or lack of sunlight. Maybe it is the fact that you don’t get out to see as many people you would like to because the roads are bad. It could just be …

MY Reaction to Maillard Tavern: A Foodie Fun Day
When you hear about “chemistry” what do you think? Do you only think of chemistry as the affinity of two people together? Or maybe you understand it is the “study of matter and the how and why substances combine or separate.” Some folks see chemistry as a necessity to create great food. Food? Chemistry? What? …
Lent Approved Lentil Soup
Do you observe Lent? I’m not even sure anymore which religions necessarily practice this custom. I have a handful of friends of different denominations who give up “things” for lent. I’ve heard about sacrifice of things like snacks, smoking and even their social media accounts. (The irony is not lost on me that I read …

Valentine’s Day Comfort Food
Comfort food. We all have our own favorites. The things that make us smile and fulfill our souls when we are the emptiest. The thought of these dishes can erase the worries of a hard day. They warm us from the inside out and our life wouldn’t be the same without them. I think when …

Gaylord Fine Indian Cuisine-Chicago Northwest Restaurant Week Preview
Today will be my last preview of Chicago Northwest Restaurant Week but luckily it won’t be your last chance to make reservations during February 23-March 4 (Click here for participating restaurants.) For me it is like counting the medals for each country as I remember all the different courses I devoured. (For the record I …

Cooper’s Hawk Winery-Chicago Northwest Restaurant Week Preview
Chicago Northwest Restaurant Week preview continues today and if you read my Monday post on Birch River Grill, you will know that I’m trying to give an Olympic Spin to this year’s event. (Remember to check out the menus and make some reservations during February 23-March 4 Click here for participating restaurants.) Speaking of spin, …

Birch River Grill-Chicago Northwest Restaurant Week Preview
Are you ready? Do feel like your own personal torch is lit and you are running gleefully as the world watches? Is this the one event you’ve been waiting for all winter? No, I’m not talking about the 2018 Olympics…I’m talking about Chicago Northwest Restaurant Week coming up on February 23-March 4. (I’m giving you …

The True Super Bowl of Soup
Every year the same discussions occur this time of year during the Super Bowl. I hope it is a good game or that the commercials make sense. Will the half time show make you stay in your seat or will you take that opportunity to run to the bathroom? Is the game worth they hype …

Edamame Hummus (Or How to Bring the Most Interesting Dip to Your Next Potluck)
It is award season (if you are a fan of TV and movies) and Super Bowl time (if you like sports) which means only one thing….time to make snack foods. I, personally, don’t entertain much but I still like to have a couple of awesome snacks up my sleeve in case we have to go …