Are you reading for some learnin’? One of my many realizations in the past year was that I still need to make more steps forward in learning about other cuisines. I had this epiphany when watching Jeopardy and a food category came up. I was sure I would get them all right but I didn’t….I …

Chicken Khao Soi (Small Town Version)
During our single digit days of winter, I had an obsession. It wasn’t anything too perverse or weird at least by my standards. It was something that made me excited about the new year and trying new things. (I can see how your mind is wandering.) I was preoccupied with following Steve Dolinsky’s Facebook and …

A Blistered Christmas and Puppy Kisses
Hooray! I survived Christmas….sort of. I kind of did something this year that put a wrench in my life the last couple months….I got a puppy. Her name is Scout and we brought her home a week before Thanksgiving when she was 9 weeks old. The big secret was that I had been courting her …

The Best Worst Christmas
The year was 1984 and the song “Do They Know It’s Christmas” was on the radio. We were at a toll booth on our way to the airport and all I wanted was to be back at home. We weren’t on our way to a fabulous holiday vacation or off to see family. We were …

Snowstorms and Shopping Trips
There is a ritual in NW Indiana. It may not be limited to this area but it is definitely something I took notice of 19 years ago when I moved to the area. I am not sure if I would consider it a good practice or something I look forward to but I know it …
I Just Got Schooled On Salmon
I get a lot of emails on my blogs. A lot of them just think I’m funny or a fan of the recipes but this week I received a very interesting email that put me in an interesting position. The views on Felt Like a Foodie are my own. The “research” is my own. With …

Salmon That is Easy Peasy with a Lemon Squeezy
***Please also read the following blogpost for some “corrections.”****** Have I talked about salmon before? I’m sure I’ve done a recipe or two before but have I talked about how this good for you food is also pretty versatile in recipes? It has become something I cook almost every other week if not every week. …

Squashing the Rumor That Chili is a Soup
Do you ever look at a menu’s specials of the day and want to scream? I don’t mean “literally” scream, more of a “you’ve got to be kidding me” scream. I’m hoping you say yes or I might need to start looking at anger management. (I’d trade spaghetti sauce for some good therapy.) I bring …

Game Plan for Thanksgiving Week (And a Great Cranberry Sauce Recipe Too)
The week of Thanksgiving….the week that is supposed to be dedicated to food…the week where I really don’t have much to do in the kitchen? Whaaaat? Thanksgiving is my husband’s family’s holiday. I have yet to offer up my house as the destination because in 19 years of marriage….because honestly….it has never been my favorite …