Did you ever have a VCR? Do you remember when you would try to get to a certain point on a tape and hit the fast forward? You could watch all the characters move super-fast and it was almost as fun as watching the movie. The challenge was always getting it to go exactly to …

A Labor Day of Love…for Tomato Soup
So, Labor Day is here (or past depending on when you are reading this) and we already have leaves in the yard. I’m not complaining….Fall is my spirit season. The cooler weather, the changing colors and comfort food makes me happy….really happy. I was walking a lot in my yard this past week and enjoying …
Rest in Pink
I am a firm believer that life is like a book. It can be long or short. It can be well written or it can be a bit of a mess. It can be of great historical importance or it can be almost so surreal that it seems like science fiction. There are chapters that …

Mom Knows Best….
Do you have specific things that your mom said to you growing up that ring in your ears as part of your everyday life? It can be little things like the way she said I love you or how she answered the phone. It can be little affirmations that she would tell you all the …

SOS (Save Our Sandwich)
Stupid…..stupid…stupid..stupid. This is what I was saying on Friday night. We were going to have weekend company and I thought I would try something new for dinner. Nooooooo!!! You are NEVER supposed to do that! What happens if it doesn’t turn out? What happens if it is overcooked? Now a normal person would not go …

Inside-Out Vegetable Lasagna
When you hear the words “inside-out”, what do you think of? Do you think of the film where every emotion has a character? (If you haven’t seen the movie, it is cute.) Do you think about accidently wearing a piece of clothes the wrong way? (I went to the beach last week and put my …

Barb. Carb. LARB.
STOP THE PRESSES! STOP THE PRESSES! Wait….this is only on the internet….STOP TYPING….DON’T HIT ENTER….DON’T POST ANYTHING YET!! I’ve got HUGE news to report. After my last blog on sonnets, I received a huge response. (I thank all five of you who chose to reach out.) Besides being told I know nothing about poetry or …

Sonnets and Sauces
Sonnet 1: Ode to my Garden (With a little help from Elizabeth Barrett Browning…. but my iambic pentameter and stanza are a little off) How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth of my countless bags of composted My roots feel free to grow and don’t feel …

We Go Together Like Shrimp and Cocktail Sauce
“We go together Like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong Remembered forever As shoo-bop sha wadda wadda yippity boom de boom Chang chang changitty chang sha-bop That’s the way it should be Wah-oooh, yeah! We’re one of a kind Like dip da-dip da-dip doo-wop da doo-bee doo” Do you remember this song? It …