Would you be shocked if I said I can be kind of jealous and mean at times? It is not a quality that I necessary like about myself. Sometimes I see things and my mind goes to a dark place and inevitably a snarky (yet hysterical) comment pops out. I thought about this character flaw …

Happy Anniversary Hokkaido
When I moved to my small town in Indiana almost 18 years ago, it was an adjustment. I missed my friends, family and job. I had to adjust to a town that was not near everything (and by everything I meant shopping and my usual restaurants). It was a learning experience and not always easy. …

BLT on a Waffle…Need I Say More?
Let me start this off by saying that I am in no way, shape or form saying there is anything wrong with the classic BLT. It is probably the most perfect sandwich in the world. (Peanut butter and Jelly lovers please don’t send hate mail.) There is just something magical that happens when crispy bacon …

Confusion of Food Fusion
Fusion. Do you know what that word means? A rough definition of the word “fusion” is the combination of 2 or more things to make a single entity. In the food world, fusion can be interpreted as a way of combining different cultures and flavors through cooking. Historians probably would argue that if you look …

The Moist Political Blog On Chicken Salad
Moist. Mooooist. MOIST. MOIST!!!! I have just read a bunch of articles that state that the word “moist” makes people feel uncomfortable. (This article from Mental Floss was my favorite.) Apparently, it is now a word that people avoid at all costs….but not me…the word moist is not the worst word out there right now. …

I Will Write 500 Blogs. I Will Write 500 More.
500. One day you are sitting on your favorite corner spot on the couch and your spouse says, “You should start a blog. People are always talking to you about food and this would be a great way for you to share everything you have learned. Make it funny and be true to yourself. Add …

A Hammock, A Book and An Amazing Summer Squash Soup
Barb was lying in the hammock in the back yard reading a book that her friend told her about, Kitchens of the Great Midwest by J. Ryan Stradal. She was only a couple of chapters into the book and was thoroughly enjoying it. She was kind of surprised that she was taking so much pleasure …

Procrastination Parmigiana
Do you procrastinate? Maybe you wait until the last minute to write bills. It could be that you don’t fold your laundry until you start wearing your undies inside out. (I don’t do that but I do know someone who does….consider this your warning that I’m going to name names!) It might be as simple …

Love at First Sip
Do you remember that moment you fell in love? I’m not talking about only falling in love with a person; I’m talking about falling in love with a “thing.” Maybe you fell in love with a house that was on your block that seemed like a dream home. Maybe it was a car that your …

How To Use Your Noodle During a Zombie Attack
Do you remember when elementary schools would host haunted houses? They would turn off all of the lights in the gym or one of the classrooms and fill it with mazes of incredibly frightening things. There would be monsters that would jump out of boxes and spiders would drop from the ceiling. There were always …