Small Town. Big Taste.


Happy Anniversary Hokkaido

When I moved to my small town in Indiana almost 18 years ago, it was an adjustment.  I missed my friends, family and job.  I had to adjust to a town that was not near everything (and by everything I meant shopping and my usual restaurants).  It was a learning experience and not always easy. …


Confusion of Food Fusion

Fusion. Do you know what that word means? A rough definition of the word “fusion” is the combination of 2 or more things to make a single entity. In the food world, fusion can be interpreted as a way of combining different cultures and flavors through cooking. Historians probably would argue that if you look …


Procrastination Parmigiana

Do you procrastinate? Maybe you wait until the last minute to write bills. It could be that you don’t fold your laundry until you start wearing your undies inside out.   (I don’t do that but I do know someone who does….consider this your warning that I’m going to name names!) It might be as simple …


Love at First Sip

Do you remember that moment you fell in love? I’m not talking about only falling in love with a person; I’m talking about falling in love with a “thing.” Maybe you fell in love with a house that was on your block that seemed like a dream home. Maybe it was a car that your …