I spent most of the weekend getting my vegetable garden ready for planting. Silly cultivating things like picking weeds and moving dirt around. I started a lot of seeds inside this spring and hope that in the next few weeks they’ll be able to make their way off my kitchen table and into the side …

Hubbard Inn…a Foodie Fun Day
I feel like a robin in the spring. I’ve hidden away all winter in my rockin’ robin hideaway and am now ready to fly. I am enjoying the sun shining brighter and the brilliant greens that are growing on our lawns and in our trees. Unlike the robin, I am lucky and don’t have to …

A Short Rib about my Imaginary Restaurant
Do you still make believe? Do you see yourself as a rock star when you are singing into your loofah in the shower? Do you put on a new outfit and walk down the hall like a supermodel? Maybe when you are training your puppy to sit you pretend to be a lion tamer in …

The Birthday Blog #46
Sigh. I made it. My heart feels so happy as I close out my 45th year. Like every year of life, I can find lows and highs. There are moments that I wouldn’t mind erasing and there are others that I want tattooed on my memory. I have shed a few tears and have had …

Oyster Bah: A Foodie Fun Dinner
Oysters. People seem to love them or hate them. I wasn’t always one of the people who loved oysters. Their looks intimidated me. They smelled like the ocean. And I was seriously concerned that I was going to choke on a pearl. (I also can admit that I’m not always very bright.) I tried my …

A Love Story, A Friendship and Bridal Breakfast
Love stories. Some of us can’t get enough of them. Some of us hate them. There are ones with happy endings and those that make us cry at the mere thought of them. They can make us love people more and there are some stories that make us realize we aren’t being loved right. I …

He Loves Me But Hates My Breasts
When you are with someone for numerous years, you do one of two things. You can either fall even more in love with them or you can start to hate some of the littlest things about them. My hubs and I have been together almost 19 years. Hmmmm. Where are we? I think for the …

Hamilton Beach Easy Reach 4 Slice Toaster Oven Review
What is it about a toaster oven that makes everyone smile? Is it our childhood memories of our first tiny childhood ovens that cooked a cupcake with a light bulb? Do you have memories of being allowed to use it before you were allowed to use the “real” oven? Maybe it is just the fact …

Beg, Borrow or Steal
I’m a thief…a no good rotten thief!!! Now before you start looking at FBI posters for my picture, let me say what I’m guilty of. I steal from restaurants….kind of. You are probably saying “Barb, you can’t “kind of” steal. You either do it or you don’t!” Let me tell you what I steal before …

Clothing. Who decided that we needed to wear clothing? We aren’t born that way. (If you think about it, you really can’t be created at all without some nudity involved.) Little kids seem to be content with walking around in the buff and there are parts of this world where indigenous nudity is the norm. …