You asked for it you got it….I am writing my Pi Day blog BEFORE March 14 so you will remember to do something “Pi-ish” on Monday! For those who are new readers, Pi Day is celebrated on 3-14. (Get it…Pi is 3.14159….) It is probably the nerdiest holiday of the year. Given I married a …

Use Your Noodle
Do you have words that make you smile? Is it something that people frequently pronounce wrong? Or maybe it is something that can easily be mistaken for a different word? (Words that sound like cursing and body parts often make me giggle.) Maybe it is as simple as how the word feels rolling off your …
This is the Blog I write
Music. How does it affect your life? Does it bring back memories of singing in the car with your siblings? Or maybe it reminds you of concerts your mom would give as you sat on her bed watching her play guitar? Or it can simply just give you joy for no reason at all except …

Big Girl Panties
One of the things that I’m most proud about with Felt Like a Foodie is that I “try” to stay positive in the things I write about. (With the exception of teasing my hubby, in-laws and people in pajama pants.) But recently there is something that is really getting my undies in a bunch. I …

Wintery Mix
Did I ever tell you that I have a phobia? It isn’t anything as common as being scared of heights like acrophobia. It is less common than those spider-fearing folks who have arachnophobia. And it definitely makes more sense than those kooky-berrys who are afraid of dots. (Yep that is a real thing called trypophobia!) …

I Don’t Think You’re Ready For This Welly
I think the cold meds are getting to me. I was in the kitchen this week making Pork Wellington for Earl’s belated Valentine’s dinner when I channeled Beyoncé. If you don’t know who Beyoncé is she is a popular pop/R&B singer. She is tall, amazingly beautiful and African American. She can shake her body in …

Man Flu aka Coldpocolypse
It was bound to happen. It started with a sneeze followed with the sound of trumpets coming from the nose. A few coughs are thrown in for good measure and maybe a complaint of a sore throat. The world is now about to end. It is worse than just a cold and it isn’t just …

Happy Year of the Monkey
Happy Chinese New Year!!!! On February 8, the year of the monkey began. According to a reliable source (the Internet) people born in the Year of the Monkey are witty, intelligent and have magnetic personalities. Clever in financial matters and career, lively and versatile, gentle and kind, these traits make them ideal partners if you …

A Souper Bowl
Like millions of other people, I watched the Super Bowl yesterday. I think I watch more to keep up with current events. If there is an amazing play, I want to see it. (And I want someone to explain it to me.) If there is a hysterical commercial, I want to guffaw with the world. …

My Super Bowls
*** I am still trying to work out the “comment” bug on the new website. I am also trying to lighten up the backgrounds. Thanks for your patience during this transition……and now on to this weeks post.**** Super Bowl weekend is upon us. Are you excited? Is your team playing? Do you know who is …