Does something look different??? Well as I celebrate my 5th anniversary of writing Felt Like a Foodie, I decided it was time to give it a bit of a facelift. (Both the blog and I need one but this seemed a little more sensible.) Felt Like a Foodie will continue to write everything from recipe …

No News IS Good News
Dim the lights. Get under a blanket. Cue the scary music. Today I am going to share some frightening things with you so I thought I would set the mood first. Are you ready? (Make sure you aren’t drinking any hot beverages as you read this because I don’t want you to jerk suddenly and …

Can’t Catch My Broth
There are a lot of things I love about winter. There is a beauty in the bare trees and snow covered fields. The animal tracks in our yard allow me to see who besides birds are coming to the feeder. The sun seems to shine directly on me as if it knows I am always …

Your -Ologist Prescribed This Lasagna
When making dinner what guides you? Do pictures you see on the Internet influence you? Is it a recipe that one of your friends forwards you? Maybe it is as simple as having a regular rotation of meals in your house. For me, it is power of suggestion. I am starting to think I am …

Birthday Songs and Fajitas
Birthday Songs. Do people still ask restaurants to sing to the birthday person when celebrating a special occasion? It seems that about 20-30 years ago that was the thing to do. You could do it one of two ways. When your server came to the table you could just blatantly tell them that it was …

Weekend Meal Takeover
Where did this week go? I am thrilled that it flew by because it was a bit cold and dreary. Add to that, my hubby (Earl) has had to work a lot and I must say that I missed the guy. I am actually looking forward to the weekend so we can have a little …

Don’t Judge a Quiche By Its Color
Writing Felt Like a Foodie sometimes is overwhelming. There is a pressure to make sure my recipes are correct, ingredients are accessible and it is a relevant post. (By relevant, I mean, it can hold your interest so you don’t only look at the picture….especially today’s picture! ZOIKS!!!) As I start to approach my 5-year …

How do you say semantics in Spanish?
Wanna hear me scream?! Arghhhh! (Wait, it came out like I was scared….kind of high and screechy.) ARRGHHHHH! (There we go that one was a bit deeper and throaty.) Why do I scream you ask? I kind of have something that irritates me and I need to get it off of my back. (I also …

Lettuce Wrap Again About New Year’s Resolutions
Hooray! The holidays are over and 2016 is safely upon us. I had a truly terrific holiday season with lots of time with my husband, Earl, a lot of delicious food and people who I love. (And some of them love me back!) I think I will always have moments during the season where I …

Happiness is a Perfectly Poached Egg
Why don’t you like me? Is it my color? Do you think I’ll make you fat? Maybe my gooey insides freak you out? Could it be that you just don’t like things that are different? These are questions poached eggs would like to ask you. (By you, I am referring to all the people who …