Yesterday night we blew into Chicago to enjoy the Ninth Annual CHILL event presented by Luxe Home in the Merchandise Mart. (For those of you who don’t live in Midwest, we were having 30-40 mile wind gusts so we literally blew into the city!) This was my fifth year enjoying the event that benefits The …

“A fun adult imagination is a terrible thing to waste.” I’m not sure if that is really a quote but I guess since I just wrote it in quotes, I could be quoted for the quote. There are a lot of things I imagine. I don’t live in a world of make believe (or maybe …

Extreme Chili
I was standing in line at the grocery store the other day and an attractive man was standing beside me tapping at his wrist. (Please note: He was attractive but no where near as cute as my husband!) I thought it was an indication that he was in a hurry and offered to let him in …

Salt of the Earth
How many things do you take for granted? It could it be something as amazing as a sunrise or basic as the smell of your soap. It could be a special moment like having a coffee with your mom or a lunch with a friend. Whatever it is, you may not think twice about it …

This is my jam….shallot jam.
I did something really immature a couple of days ago. (I am sure some of you are saying, “Tell us when you aren’t immature.”) I’m not exactly proud of the moment but given the circumstances I think it was warranted. It occurred in our car and it was all I could do not to start …

Out of My Gourd
It has only been about a week since I tore out my garden and I must say I feel a little batty. There was something about this year’s garden that fulfilled every ounce of my being…..and I’m not just talking about my belly. There was something about going outside and being in the fresh air …

Orange is the New Black
It is Halloween time! Eeeek! I must admit that it really isn’t a holiday that is big on my list anymore. (I’m an adult who can buy her own candy…anytime I want!) I just don’t like to be scared. I appreciate that there are people who love ghosts, zombies and ghouls. I also have people …

As American as Baseball and Apple Slaw
I never thought this would be a subject that comes up on Felt Like a Foodie but it is time. It is time to lay it on the table for the world (or the folks who read this post) to hear. I am a Cubs fan. I’m not a bandwagon fan…I’ve been a fan since …

Maxwell’s at the Club
When I walk down the streets of Chicago, my imagination goes wild. I look at the different buildings and wonder what unhidden treasures lay beyond the walls. I try to figure out if the structure is a residence, business or BOTH! It seems like you could walk past one building and realize it is composed …

Chicago Gourmet 2015: The Characters
Part of the amusement of going to an event like Chicago Gourmet for me is seeing all the characters. Like I mentioned last week, the whole adventure each year gives me that feeling of giddiness like a little kid going to their favorite theme park. (Hmmm, could this be Gourmet Land?) Do you ever remember …