Did you ever go to an amusement park as a kid? Do you remember that feeling of excitement and joy when you walk through the gate? How about the anticipation before you even get there? I think that sums up how I feel each year at Chicago Gourmet. (“Produced by the Illinois Restaurant Association, title sponsor Bon …

Memories With a Twist
Do you know how there is that thing? You know the thing that makes you ALWAYS think of someone else. It could be a cologne that the best smelling guy in college wore or an off the shoulder sweater your aunt liked. Maybe even the feel of a blanket that reminds you of your mom’s house. …

Rebooted Pork Cutlets
Did you ever watch the Jetsons as a kid (or adult)? It was a fascinating cartoon about life in the future. (Okay, maybe fascinating is stretching it but it truly was awesome Saturday morning entertainment when it was in syndication during the 1970’s.) Just in case you lived in a cave or had a mom who …
Stuck in the Honey Tree
I woke up this morning knowing that I wanted to write a post but I truthfully had no desire to write about food. I was SUPPOSED to be writing today about two events that I had scheduled to go to in Chicago, Mod Mex (A Beyond Chicago Gourmet Event) and Oyster Fest (by Shaw’s Crah …

Tomato Jam in a BLT World
I can’t believe Labor Day is over. OVER!!!!!!!! Did you barbeque or spend some time outside? Did you just enjoy the extra day off in your workweek? We’ve done the same thing for the past seventeen years…..we celebrate our anniversary. There are some years we go away and others we just go out for a …

The First Chicago Food + Wine Festival
I am a subscriber to Food & Wine magazine and read it each month from cover to cover. I read the editorials, recipes and I look at who advertises in the publication. One of the things that has drove me nuts for years was seeing the promotions for their Food + Wine Festivals. They would …

His Wish is My Command….Sometimes
Did you hear me the other day? At the top of my lungs, I was screaming “You want to do what?” After all these years later, Hubby has finally lost it. It all started when he came home from work. His routine is to walk in the door and start telling me about his day …

Eggplant…Nice or Nefarious
Nefarious. Nefarious? I know I have heard that word before but I wasn’t positive of the meaning. There is a commercial on television that uses that word. Kudos to an advertising group that uses words with more than three syllables! It was kind of refreshing for me to hear a word and have to look …

Roasted Roma Tomato Soup
I will have to apologize to all my anti-gardening, tomato hating readers. I think the next couple blogs are going to be tomato-centric. When I planted my garden this year, I went a little bananas on tomatoes. (I would not recommend actual bananas on tomatoes. Besides the fact that I really despise bananas, that combination …

I’m a Super Frico
Do you ever get a song in your head and sing it whenever you are doing a mundane task? It could be a song theme, something from the radio or maybe commercial jingle. My song lately has been one that isn’t one I can explain…Super Freak by Rick James. Do you know the song or …