Life is funny. The last few weeks have been consumed with food. Whether it was writing about Chicago Northwest Restaurant Week (and eating at a ton of restaurants), writing about food adventures or taking an awesome baking class, all my attention has been on food. With one exception, I haven’t been doing the best job of …

Hyatt Regency Schaumburg & Gallagher’s: A Chicago Northwest Restaurant Week to Remember
Guess what today is?!?! Today is March 6…and that means only one thing…Chicago Northwest Restaurant Week (March 6-March 15, 2020) has officially started! I’ve been sharing some bites to entice you from the expansive group of restaurants participating this year. So many places to go…how do you choose? How do you get the most out of this amazing week? …

Rosarios’ Ristorante: A Chicago Northwest Restaurant Preview
The restaurant industry is one of the toughest businesses out there. The statistics according to the google is that only 5-10% of restaurants get past that hard first year. How do you succeed while keeping up the evolution of the industry and remain true to your customer base? Maybe you should ask the Bucaro Family because they …

Fat Rosie’s: A Chicago Northwest Restaurant Week Preview
Have you ever passed a restaurant and done a double take? You ask yourself “Is that new?” You look again and say “I’ve got to put this on my list of places to go.” This is how I felt the first time I drove by Fat Rosie’s, Taco & Tequila Bar at 870 N. Meacham, Schaumburg. I’m not sure …

Kuma’s Corner: Chicago Northwest Restaurant Week Preview 2020
How do you like your burger? I mean, how do you REALLY like it? If you were given a wish list of ingredients to eat on your burger, what would you pick? Do you love cheese? Or only a specific cheese like bleu, cheddar or Swiss? Loaded with bacon? Maybe some caramelized onions or sautéed mushrooms? A little mayo? Or maybe something …

First Preview of Chicago Northwest Restaurant Week 2020
The temperature drops. The wind picks up. There is a flake or two in the air. This can only mean a couple of things. First, it is wintertime in the Chicago Northwest Suburbs so we pretty much expect this to happen. Second, we all need a pick me up to get us through to spring. Finally, it is time for Felt …

Time for a Bowl that Tastes Creole
Food magazines and food based television really have a hard job. One would think that getting to spend your life devouring plates of food, traveling to exotic places and hob knobbing with the best chefs in the world would be the best job in the world. (And it would….call me if anyone is interested in a middle …

Keeping Abreast of Chicken Cutlets
Cutlets. Do you love or hate them? Does the sight of them make you smile? Do you dream of one day getting your hands on one? Have you never heard of them? Chicken cutlets are chicken breasts that are halved at their thickest part and then pounded so each piece is an even thickness. They are usually coated and then …

Celebrating Betty Crocker and Nachos
Betty Crocker. It seems like every mom had a cookbook with that iconic name splayed across the cover. The one I remember the most is the red one with all the food pictures on the cover. It was simply Betty Crocker’s Cookbook. (I asked Mom to send me a picture and she had her original and a newer version.) …

Hypocritical Oaf
If there was a “Hippocratic Oath” for blogging, I sometimes wonder what it would be. Are there blogging ethics I should worry about? Do I think I am doing Felt Like a Foodie justice? Are there rules we all should follow? It popped into my head on my walk today when I was thinking of the recipe …