I don’t want to say that this winter was long but I ran out of my homegrown, canned tomatoes. (I was trying to think of a joke about long winters but there was nothing funny about this year!) My go-to canned tomato is Red Gold. I like the texture and the various flavors of their …
She Sells Stuffed Shells….
“She sells seashells on the seashore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So, if she sells shells on the seashore, I’m sure she sells seashore shells.” I don’t know why this tongue twister keeps going around in my head. (Actually, I didn’t even know the last 3 lines until I looked them up.) I …
Hypocritical Oaf Potato Packets
The Hippocratic Oath. It is the oath that is recited by physicians to care for their patients honestly and ethically. It is the backbone of our healthcare industry. I, on the other hand, am a hypocritical oaf. Have you heard of people like these? We are the first to be vocal on a subject but change …
Mixing It Up For Mother’s Day
As Mother’s Day approaches this Sunday, I have spent a lot of time thinking of my mom. My goal was to make a recipe this week that was based on my mom’s signature ingredient. As my wheels were turning coming up with an original idea, I had to laugh because I kept coming back to …
The Chopping Block Cooking Lab Series: Day 4-The Finale
I’m sad. Monday was the last day of Cooking Lab at The Chopping Block. I can’t tell you how much I loved this series. Oh wait, you are my captive audience so I CAN tell you!! I have always prided myself on being a good cook. I could look at recipe, get the ingredients and …
April Bon Appetit Cook the Cover
Eeeeek!!! Another month has flown by and I ALMOST didn’t keep my resolution to cook every cover this year of Bon Appétit. I will admit I was lulled into a false sense of security when I first looked at April’s cover. The theme of this issue was “Cook like a pro…How to Make Amazing Restaurant …
Getting Lost at the Baconfest Finals
Yesterday was a huge day for Felt Like a Foodie. Most importantly, I am proud to say that this little blog has received 1 MILLLION hits!! I am so grateful to all of you who keep coming back to read my food adventures. (And for those of you who I promised a nudey picture at …
The Chopping Block Cooking Lab Series Day 3 “Getting Saucy”
Of all the classes I read about in The Chopping Block’s Cooking Lab, I knew I was going to be “fond” of class number 3. It was all about developing flavors and understanding the roles emulsifiers, thickeners and starches play in some of my favorite things like sauces, soups and vinaigrettes. I knew this was …
National Grilled Cheese Month
Hooray! It is starting to feel like spring. The birds are chirping like crazy, the grass is greening up and rumor has it there are some baby bunnies hopping around our neighborhood. (I can’t wait to see the bunnies!) Another big sign of spring is seeing all the stuff you should have gotten done around …
The Chopping Block Cooking Lab (Techniques in Cooking Meats, Poultry, Fish and Veggies)
Have you ever done a jigsaw puzzle? Do you look at the picture on the box, study the design and think about the pieces? Or do you just dump the box on the table, find the edges and think of the picture components as you go along? I have always been a box dumper and …