Small Town. Big Taste.

Breakfast Eggs

Are You Gonna Quiche Me Or Not?

It is funny how things change over time.  Behavior that is normal in one decade may be deemed abnormal the next.  My grandparent’s generation had very definite roles for men and women.  Women were the caregivers and men were bringing home the bacon. My parents generation started to change the roles with women fighting for …


A Writer’s Bacon Block

I’ve got writer’s block.  I keep sitting at my computer and I type a few paragraphs, reread it and then delete.  It seems relevant as I type but then I hear a little singsong voice in my head going “booooring.”  (I really hate that voice.)  I think the reason I’m mentally obstructed is that I …


Curry Worries

Do you every get that feeling that you are getting too big for your britches?  (Do you ever really use the word britches in a sentence?)  This winter has made me feel that way literally and figuratively. Literally…I am TOO big for my britches and can honestly say my pants are too tight.  Apparently the …