I did something that was completely off the hook this week. I decided to go fishing for some answers about, well, fish. More specifically, the availability of fish and shellfish in the Midwest. One of the most frequent emails I receive after doing a tasting at a restaurant is that “I am sure your meal …
Girl On Grill Action
Let’s admit it ladies. We all know the men in our lives have fantasies. Some admit it with no hesitation but there are others who adamantly deny that anything like that ever goes on in their head. The real truth comes out when you say something to your spouse and he doesn’t hear you right. …
A Toast to My Husband
For anyone who has followed my blog over the past 2 and half years, you know that I poke some fun at my husband, Earl, on a regular basis. I will admit that there are times I exaggerate his buffoonery and antics. (The scary thing is that there are a lot times I’m not!) Well …
Sushi School at Shaw’s Crab House Chicago
School days. School Days. Learn some sushi rules days. Toasted nori, fish and some sticky rice. Put together to make my weekend nice. It is that time of year when I hear this song over and over in my head. (I may have changed the words just a little.) I start seeing the ads on …
Mother Nature’s Tomato Soup
The last two years, I have planted a garden loaded with different varieties of tomato plants. As much as I don’t like playing in the dirt, I do love watching the show as stems grow and the little buds magically turning into beautiful tomatoes. (And if I could bottle the fragrance emitted from these plants, …
We Are Like Chickpeas on a Pan
The idiom “like two peas in a pod” can reference a lot of people in my life. I don’t think it would be too hard to fit into a pod with me. I have a lot of interests like dogs, crafts and cooking. (I even have some interests that you may not know about yet.) …
Mercat a la planxa: Spain in Seven Plates
I love the cliché a picture is worth a thousand words. When a person says it, you can comprehend easily the feelings they are trying to convey. Anyone who knows me knows that I am RARELY speechless. (Inarticulate, yes. Speechless, no.) So when I am dumbstruck for words, you know it has to be big. …
Wild Rice: A Walk on the Vegan Side
It is not rare for me to meet people who love food. We are everywhere!! Usually in the first few minutes of a conversation, we share our mutual adoration of the subject matter, make yummy noises, and swap recipes. What has been rare is meeting a vegan who shares this mutual love of food. I …
Fabio Fettuccine
It is August. It is August? It is August!!! Anyway I type it, I can’t get over how quickly this year is flying by! Everyone I know is busy (I am starting to hate that word) and can’t seem to fit in all the events that life has to offer. I am no different. The …
Just “Encase” You Want To Make Sausage
“I know a wiener man. He owns a wiener stand. He sells most everything from wieners on down. Some day I’ll join his life, I’ll be his wiener wife. Hot Dog, I love that wiener man.” Do you know that song? My sister worked at a camp one year when she was in college and …