Thank you to everyone for their support these last couple of months. The money you have saved me in therapy is HUGE!!! So I am not really cooking yet but I wanted to share with you a really neat press release that I received from RA Sushi. As someone who spent her fair share of …
The Brady Lunch
As I continue to recover from surgery, I’ve done a lot of two things. (Neither of which is cooking.) I sleep and watch TV (mostly encores from the 70’s). Sometimes there is a blur in my head not knowing if I am asleep and dreaming or if I really am part of the action that …
This Isn’t Funny
It is just a stomachache. I went to bed and thought when I woke up it would be gone. What I woke up to could be described as horror. One side of my stomach was distorted and resembled a snake that ate a goat. (Maybe not a big goat but definitely one of those little …
Not a “Boar”ing Bolognese
Do you ever have a thought in your head that is REALLY random? I mean, there is nooooo reason whatsoever for this thought, it just pops in your head. This thought is so random that you spend countless minutes, maybe even hours, thinking about this particular topic. Yankee Doodle. Yep, that was my thought the other …
Ice: It’s What’s For Dinner
I’m sick. Not the “head cold, I get to stay home sick” but the “time to go to the hospital sick.” I was really trying not to post on it because I was hoping it would magically go away. (I also believe in unicorns just so you understand what is real to me.) I haven’t …
The Grid: A Foodie Fun Day
Last week for my birthday, I received a wonderful gift. A magic wand! My wand, like most cool magical items, had a list of rules and regulations. (I hate magic wand red tape.) One rule was that I could only use one wish a month. (It did not say anything about rollover wishes so I …
Not a Scary Sandwich
The last few weeks my creativity in the kitchen has been on a spring break. It was a calm spring break so there is no fear that my creative side will end up in another scandal on the Internet. (Wait, did she say another?) My creative side has allowed some of my old stand-bys take …
My Birthday Post
Thank you to everyone who has been writing in about the loss of my dog. I just got into the kitchen a couple of days ago and will do a recipe post early next week. Every year on my birthday, I take a moment to sit down and write about the previous year and take …
Taking a week or so off
My Dear Readers: I wanted to let you know why I haven’t written anything new over the past week. My dog died. It is that simple or maybe not so simple. Shadoe was our 14.5 year old German Shep/Lab. My husband gave her to me on our first married Christmas. She has been my faithful …
Souper DILL-ema
Happy Easter!!! I’m sure many of you have spent the day working hard in your kitchens making your family’s favorite holiday meal. (Or if you don’t celebrate Easter, you enjoyed the crowdless malls and movie theatres!) Either way, Monday is right around the corner and it is time to figure out something easy to make …