I always find it interesting to find back-stories about food “trends.” I never 100% know who is telling the whole truth but it is always interesting to read what is out there on the Web. (Because if it is on the Web we know it is the truth, right?) So when one of my readers …
Not A Caponata
In the Midwest, our gardens are just starting to produce some veggies and the anticipation is unbelievable. (Seriously, this is the most excitement I have right now.) I get out a couple times a day and talk to my plants. Our conversations are very one sided but fulfilling for all who are involved. I do …
Foodie Fun Day #20: The Lucky Monk
“Elevate your soul.” Is this the motto for a church? Nope. How about a beach yoga class? Nope. It is the part of The Lucky Monk’s motto “Delicious Food and Drink and a Welcome Warm Enough to Elevate Your Soul.” Named in honor of the Trappist Monks (beer crafting masters), The Lucky Monk located in …
Ginger Apricot Catch-Up
I am one of those people who really like Facebook. It has been a fun outlet for me to keep up with family and friends. (Without leaving the comfort of my Lazy-Boy.) One of the best parts of FB has been catching up with people from the block I grew up on in Park Forest, …
Miso Glazed Over Salmon
So technically this is a continuation of my last story about Bok Choy. Well, I guess I’m not continuing the story but I did want to tell you how to make a delicious, miso-glazed salmon to eat with my last blog’s recipe. Miso-whaaat? Is that the exclamation some of you are making right now? Are …
Bouncing Baby Bok Choy
I am going to look back on 2012 and remember it as my year of discovering vegetables. I guess “discover” is really not the word to use since the veggies have been around. (Okay, Christopher Columbus got away with it with that whole “Discovering America” thing but let’s not quibble on semantics.) Between going to …
Mussels You Should KISS
I have decided recently that I am in love with muscles mussels. (It has NOTHING to do with my last post, I swear.) There is something about muscles mussels that makes me want to have them around me all the time. I would even dare to say that I dream about devouring muscles mussels. And …
Kohlrabi Coolslaw
One of my new rules when I go Farmer’s Markets is that I have to look for an ingredient that is not part of my regular grocery list. It can be something as easy as delicious creamy cheese or as challenging as a vegetable that I’ve never seen before. The key is for me to …
50 Shades of Lemonade
I am in love. The kind of obsessive love that makes you think of only one thing. It makes me all goofy inside. The control this love has over my mind makes it hard for me to even think straight. (And no I am not reading Fifty Shades of Grey.) I’ve tried to quench my …
Yummy Potatoes
There are two things that make me want comfort food. The first is when the weather is cold. The second is when I’m sick. Since it is June guess why I want comfort food this week?? Yep, I’m sick. (Ohhh, poor baby.) Last week I landed in the hospital with some “issues” with my Crohn’s …