It is Dos de Mayo! Do you know what that means besides the only thing I retained in Spanish class from high school was basic numbers. (I also learned “Where is the bathroom?” ¿Dónde está el baño?) The first few days of May are super important because it means you have time to plan the who/what/where/why/how (quién …

The Deviled Egg Is In The Detail
Do you know the idiom “the devil is in the detail(s)?” It is a saying that refers to the fact that sometimes something may look simple but then it becomes harder when you look further into the situation or how it may be done. It is a great metaphor for how I look at many …

Birthday Blog #49
49. How the heck am I 49? I’m not sure where the forties went…did I leave them somewhere and forget? Is it a case of time flies when you are having fun? Could this be fake news? 49 is a big deal for me. I know I talk about my Crohn’s history every now and then but 30 years ago …

My Friends Went to NOLA and All I Got Was a Craving For Cajun Food
Spring Break. Do you go on a spring break with your kids? Is it a time you remember from college? Do most couples take a spring break? Do retired people? Do single folks? I just don’t know. A week-long vacation that is a clear “break” between the long weary winter and the first days of spring sounds amazing! My …

The Tale of Spaghetti Hos
One of my favorite and most time-consuming hobbies is reading about origins of food. Given the vast amount of information flying around these days, it is sometimes hard to decipher what is the truth and what has been creatively changed for an entertainment value. I like to think that here at Felt Like a Foodie that …
Road Blocks and Head Cocks
I do my best to keep this blog on the theme of food but every now and then I need to go off topic and talk about the other biggest thing in my life…Crohn’s Disease. To refresh some of my newer followers, I have had Crohn’s Disease for over 40 years. My life has been like …

Don’t Be Stressed, Dumpling
How many times a month do you say you are busy or stressed out? It has become your go to answer each time someone asks “what’s up” or “how are you doing?” I’m good with my friends who on occasion use this as their response but there are those people who say it all the time and …

Romaine Calm
I think I need to compose myself. I’m at that point that I need to make sure my fingers slow down and not type words I don’t mean but I’ve really had it. I’m done. Ka-Poot! I’m talking about this winter! I was misled last week by a “reliable source” that we’d only be seeing one more day …

Francesca’s Tavola
I had a case of the Monday blues today because this will be my final post previewing the upcoming Chicago Northwest Restaurant Week. (February 22, 2019-March 3, 2019.). I had a great time dreaming of all the places that I could go and say “Let’s Not Cook.” (Here is a list of participating restaurants and some of …
A Beer, A Bed & A Bellyful of Food: A Chicago Northwest Restaurant Week Preview
For my second post previewing Chicago Northwest Restaurant Week (February 22, 2019-March 3, 2019), I’m going to give you an excuse to not cook AND not sleep in your own bed! That almost sounds scandalous, doesn’t it? (This is probably the point in the preview process that I need to remind folks that all opinions …