In the midst of all my foodie fun, I have got to talk more about my imaginary Thanksgiving dinner. Let’s face it; the turkey is the star of the show but what about the supporting cast of characters? You know who they are….the side dishes. The side dishes don’t get enough credit for the role …
Foodie Fun Day #2: Le Macaron
Well I had a wonderful day on Saturday. What did I do, you ask? I had the opportunity to take a macaron class at the Alliance Française de Chicago. Macaron? Alliance Française de Chicago? What am I talking about? I didn’t know either of these things existed either until I received an email late last …
Thanksgiving Post #1: An Appet-teaser
Happy November!! I want to dedicate this month’s posts to the all-time Foodie holiday….Thanksgiving!!! The hardest part of the holiday for me is the emphasis on a big meal. I am a grazer and I like to eat all day. Sitting down to a big meal and calling it quits just doesn’t work for me. …
Trivia Trick or Treat
DING-DONG! Trick or Treat? DING DONG! Trick or Treat? DING DONG! Trick or Treat? This is the sound of my what my house will sound like on Monday night. We are fortunate to live in a neighborhood full of darling trick or treaters. (Okay, not all of them are darling. Example: Two “hoochie” girls who …
Off The Wall Pumpkin Cheesecake
Forgive me Readers, for I have sinned. It has been one year since I made a graham cracker crust from scratch. I’ve become dependant on the easy crusts you can buy the in the baking section. Well, this weekend I was punished for my transgression for I not only didn’t go for homemade, I went …
My Hungry Half-Time Honey
Are you ready for some football? (Um, not really.) Whether you like college football or are a fan of the NFL this is probably one of your favorite times of year. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m not the biggest sports fan. I have nothing against football, personally, I just don’t get it. …
Chili Weather Is Here
I get a fair amount of emails from people making “requests.” Some of them are even about food! (You know who you are!) I make a list of people’s interests and hope eventually I can make everyone happy. (Once again, I am ONLY speaking about food-related happiness.) A couple of week’s ago, I received a …
Foodie Fun Day #1: WAVE Restaurant
Have you ever experienced being part of a wave in Soldier’s Field during a Bears game? How about watching the waves on Lake Michigan crash upon the shore? What about dining on a fantastic lunch at WAVE restaurant on Lake Shore Drive? All three events have one thing in common; once you experience it you …
Personality Pork
For whatever reason, I’ve had a really hard time focusing my thoughts today. Actually, to say I’ve had thoughts is an exaggeration; my mind has been blank. I just feel so dull. Dull, you say? Yep, like I have no personality. Whoops, there I go again, living the life of a Brady Bunch character. (Cue …
Fevered Crab “Casserole”
WARNING: THE FOLLOWING BLOG CONTAINS A WORD THAT MAY BE OFFENSIVE TO SOME OF THE READERS, IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED, PLEASE CLOSE YOUR EYES AS YOU READ THIS POST. Casserole. Yep, I said it and I’m not even going to wash my mouth out with soap. I don’t know why but the thought of …