Let’s Not Cook. There is something about our current weather in the Midwest that makes us want to eat but not necessarily go into the kitchen to cook. Maybe it is the fact that we all have cabin fever and are ready to be done with the snow, sleet, sun, wind and 50-degree temperature drops. (And that …

The Controversy and Making Chili
I have a confession to make. It is a little bit controversial so I was concerned if I should bring it up on this kind of venue. It seems you say one wrong things these days and next thing you are you are banned from society. It is like people aren’t allowed to have an opinion or debate …

Mother Nature, a Broken Fridge and a Crustless Quiche
Be careful what you wish for. That is the lesson I learned this past week. It wasn’t a simple wish like hoping that the ice cream shop has my favorite flavor as the daily special. It wasn’t as complicated as wishing for world peace. It was kind of in the middle but then it snowballed…. literally. Our refrigerator broke. It …

Spaghetti Sauce V2019
What is embarrassing to you? Is it that moment you look in the mirror and see a piece of spinach stuck in your teeth? Is it when you stumble over your own steps and walk into a wall? (This happens to me more than I’d like to admit.) Could it be when you are in the middle of a …

Souper Tuesday
I’ve been making an effort to menu plan a little better this year. (I also need to pencil in some blog planning time because it seems like the weeks are flying by before I can get another one up.) I was noticing that I was struggling to come up with new exciting meals each week just …

Celery Root Makeover Magic (Potato Celery Root Gratin)
Happy New Year. Last year went too quickly and I was so preoccupied with puppy training. I felt like I was reading more about dogs than I was about food and didn’t feel motivated to cook let alone eat. I won’t go into the nitty gritty details because I feel so happy now with Scout …
Breaking Bread and Breaking News
Food. There is something magical about how food connects people. So much of Felt Like a Foodie has been based on moments where food bonded me to places, events and people. The significance of that time may not be apparent as it occurs but it definitely will conjure a memory the next time I consume that …

A Souper Distraction
Do you get distracted easily? Do you look at your phone every time it lights up? Do you stop in midsentence when you suddenly remember something? Do you see a hawk in the sky when you are driving and veer a little off the road? It doesn’t take much for me but I get distracted. …

Can’t Get It Up (Or How to Post a Recipe after Your Computer Acts Up)
Blogging is fun. You get a captive audience that can hear your voice as you write out the thoughts that trickle out of your head. It is venue to talk about current events (as long as it has nothing to do with politics, religion or parenting). It also helps you keep in tune with trends …

Terrace 16: A Felt Like a Foodie Fun Day (Or Fun Brunch)
There are lot of different excuses to love this time of year. Whether you get excited about the upcoming holidays or cherish the sight of a light layer of snow, the transition from fall to winter is a fabulous time in the Midwest. I enjoy every part of this season from bundling up in cozy …