Why wouldn’t you want a cobbler to run for office?
Odds are he’d be im”peached”.
That was hysterical! Do you want another joke? Or do you think my peach jokes are the pits? (I’m here all night!)
So with peach-a-palooza going on in my house right now, I decided that I needed to make some sort of yummy dessert for my peachy husband. (He is kind of fuzzy like a peach.)
I wanted something in the cobbler family and then I started reading about crisps and crumbles too. What the heck? I really never knew there was a difference until one of faithful friends brought it up in a conversation.
Essentially they have the same basis…fruit desserts that are baked with some sort of topping. The toppings really are really the name makers.
For example, a Cobbler is made by dropping biscuit dough in little run clumps on the top. When it cooks, it resembles a cobble road. Genius! (You can do cookie dough or cake batter but it isn’t as cobbly. It would probably look like potholes and no one wants to eat a pothole!)
A Crisp has a streusel like topping WITHOUT oats whereas a Crumble has oats.
A Brown Betty is like a crisp but you put the streusel on the top AND Bottom. (I think Betty sounds swell!)
A Buckle has a cake-like batter on the bottom and when the heavy fruit hits it the cake “buckles” around it.
I also found there are a couple of desserts called Grunts and Slumps. I don’t think that sounds appetizing. Apparently they are like cobblers but cooked on the stovetop and covered. Maybe it is so good that after you eat it, you grunt!!
So I decided I wanted to make a crisp with nuts. Guess what…there is no name for that! So would we call it a Crispy Nut? Nutcrisp? I would call it delicious!!
Peach and Blueberry Nutcrisp (Adjusted from Food and Wine Magazine.)
1 cup flour
¼ cup sugar
¼ cup brown sugar
½ cup rolled oats
¼ cup pecans
7 TBsp cold butter, cut into small pieces
3 pounds of peaches, peeled and pitted
1 Pint of blueberries
¼ cup cornstarch (this keeps the fruit intact and keeps it from getting super mushy)
Optional: Ice cream or whipped cream for topping
Preheat oven 325.
In a food processor, combine all of the topping ingredients. Pulse until it becomes coarse.
Dice peaches into chunks, mix with blueberries and toss with cornstarch. Let stand, undisturbed for 10 minutes.
Butter and sugar 8-10 small ramekins. Place on a large baking sheet (this will catch anything that may bubble up).
Spoon in the filling and sprinkle with the topping.
Bake for an HOUR. Yes, I said an hour!! Your fruit will be bubbly.
Finish it up by either popping it under the broiler to crisp up the top OR the original recipe increased the oven heat to 400 and let it go a bit longer.
I made a nice amaretto whipped cream and put a dollop on top.
I really liked the warm fruit and crispy top. I’m thinking if you don’t like this recipe you must have a heart of stone fruit. (That was another attempt at a pun.)
This edition is just delightful! I do enjoy your writing 🙂
This was exceptionally helpful. the mystery is solved. I am so glad. I have always wondered and have peaches and blueberries of my own to cobble, crisp or crumble. Thanks love
Thanks for questioning me in the first place!
Thank you so much. I like when I write like this too!