Blogging is fun. You get a captive audience that can hear your voice as you write out the thoughts that trickle out of your head. It is venue to talk about current events (as long as it has nothing to do with politics, religion or parenting). It also helps you keep in tune with trends when you feel the least in touch.
The problem is when you are a blogger and you can’t get your blog up! Now this sounds like something you should be able to take a little blue pill and make it all better. My problem is that I feel like I swallowed that pill and it is taking me 6+ hours to get it down!
I had a couple of blogs that were themed for Thanksgiving. I had them written and was ready to go….and then bloop. I couldn’t get it up. The emotion is half frustration and half embarrassment. (And yes, I know this happens to everyone at some point.)
I mean this is so supposed to be the season that is easiest to come up with topics. You know a little something about how to cook a turkey, maybe a cool new play on a pumpkin pie and there has to be some mocking of the in-laws.
But alas, system failure and a dilemma is in front of me. I wrote a recipe for an awesome pumpkin waffle that I made for Thanksgiving. (Think of it as my play on having chicken and waffles.) They were outstanding! (Or at least that is what my 8 year old niece told me and I know she would never lie to her Aunt Barb.) They captured everything about the season…. except the season was Thanksgiving…not Christmas.
Should I park that recipe and try to repost it NEXT year? Some may say yes BUT what happens if I forget about it? What happens if my server is doing another system upgrade at the same time next year and I still can’t get it up? What happens if you are making a turkey for Christmas brunch and you want a “WOW” factor and were looking for the perfect pumpkin waffle recipe but couldn’t find one because I’m a slacker?
I can’t do that to you. This is a recipe that needs to be posted for all of us who bought too many cans of pumpkin. This is for those of us who have a waffle maker but never use it. This is my way of saying good things come to those who wait! (As I am typing this I as seeing myself standing on the kitchen counter waving a spatula like I am Braveheart going into battle.)
With all of that said, here it is….an awesome…better late than never pumpkin waffle recipe! I made them a few times and served them with things like bourbon maple syrup, whipped honey butter and an amaretto whipped cream.
Thanks for your patience while I worked on these computer issues. I promise Felt Like a Foodie will end this year with a bang!
*A couple of hints before you start….
These are not crispy waffles. The pumpkin made them a little floppier than the average waffle. I did put them in the oven at 250 on a baking sheet with a cooling rack and that seemed to keep them from getting soggy.
You can adjust the sugar and seasoning to your liking. I don’t like a kick in the face pumpkin spice so I go on the lesser side.
Better Late Than Never Pumpkin Waffles (This was derived from multiple recipes online)
2 ½ cups flour
¼ cup brown sugar
2 ¼ tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
1 tsp Pumpkin pie spice
4 eggs, beaten
1 cup milk
1 cup buttermilk
1 cup pumpkin (Not pumpkin pie filling…pure solid pumpkin)
Nonstick spray for waffle iron
For serving…maple syrup, amaretto whipped cream, pecans, honey butter
Preheat your waffle iron and make sure you spray it with the nonstick spray (I found I had to repeat this once or twice when making my waffles)
Also preheat your oven and prepare a baking sheet with a cooling rack so you can keep your waffles warm and keep them from becoming pumpkin pudding blobs (I just typed that to see if you were reading everything.)
In a large bowl, mix flour, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, pumpkin spice and salt.
In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and both milks together. Mix in pumpkin until it is smooth.
Add the wet ingredients to the dry slowly. It should be thick so you may choose not to add all the liquid ingredients. I added enough so it got just past lumpy and did a test waffle.
I used a cookie scoop (mine is about the same size as an ice cream scoop) to portion it out and I have a small round waffle maker. A smaller waffle is fine so error on that side so you don’t spend your Thanksgiving….errr….Christmas scrubbing pumpkin waffle batter off your counter.
Bake per your waffle maker instructions. It is okay if you have some “fails” because they still taste delicious.
Put them in the oven until all the batter is used up.
Serve with your favorite pumpkin themed toppings.