TECHNICALLY. TECHNICALLY. TECHNICALLY. I am writing the word multiple times to remind myself how much I say and NEED to stop saying it. I know a lot of people use that word too but it seems that people now use it in a manner to correct others or prove their own points. I am VERY guilty of saying …
Ramping Up My Spring Dinners
This last week has definitely felt like spring to me. I wake up to the birds chirping happy melodies, the trees are displaying every shade of green and the sun just seems to be brighter. I can open a window and smell the freshness only a spring breeze can provide and the temperature is neither …
Im”pasta”er Pesto
I decided today that there would be no conditions to this blogpost. I’m going to make it an open field and just let the truth come out. (I learned on television this week that you can really start a buzz about something if you say those sentences first.) My original intent today was to get …
Don’t Be a Pest-O
The end of summer means different things to people. For some, it is a time to close up the pool and put the boat in storage. (I fit in neither of those categories.) For others, it is a time for one last vacation at their summer home on the beach. (Not me…but if you have …