How did you learn to share? Does it go back to your earliest memories of childhood where you didn’t have a choice but to share with your siblings? Were there things that you wanted to keep to yourself only to share them later because it was the right thing to do? As an adult, sharing …
Philadelphia Dip Or My New Sandwish
Do you have an extra freezer? I do. I really love having the convenience of buying things on sale or bulkier items and have a place to put them. The problem is that they can be overwhelming at times. I looked in mine the other day and just had so many thoughts go through my …
National Grilled Cheese Month
Hooray! It is starting to feel like spring. The birds are chirping like crazy, the grass is greening up and rumor has it there are some baby bunnies hopping around our neighborhood. (I can’t wait to see the bunnies!) Another big sign of spring is seeing all the stuff you should have gotten done around …
PB & J Party
Can you recall the first sandwich you ever ate? Most of us will probably say, Peanut Butter and Jelly. When I grew up, it was the standard sandwich in my lunch box and I never tired of it. I liked it the old fashion way with smooth peanut butter, grape jelly and white bread. Even …