It is just a stomachache. I went to bed and thought when I woke up it would be gone. What I woke up to could be described as horror. One side of my stomach was distorted and resembled a snake that ate a goat. (Maybe not a big goat but definitely one of those little pygmy goats.)
I knew it was bad and woke up my husband. We started making phone calls to doctors and kept each other from freaking out. (Okay, we were freaking out.) Luckily we have a neighbor who is a nurse who was able to come over and help us make hard decisions.
An ambulance came and took us to our local hospital. My pain was managed but I know my husband and I were very frightened. More doctors were called and our ER doctor helped orchestrate me being transferred to a surgeon in Indianapolis. (There are a lot of people who were amazing and I am so grateful for their compassion.)
After a three-hour ambulance ride, I was immediately placed on a surgical unit on Monday night. We still didn’t have a lot of answers with the exception that I would need surgery.
Monday night was rough. Between pain, nausea and marathon vomiting I was miserable. (So was my roommate since she had to listen to me.) Tuesday morning we talked to the surgeon and he was going to try to “fit me in” his schedule that day.
With 10 minutes notice, I was wheeled downstairs. My husband kept trying to make me smile and keep my mind off of things while we waited in pre-op. For the record, I hate pre-op. It is nerve-racking!! Plus they take your underpants. I hate when they take your underpants. (I saved this for seconds before I went to the operating room so I wouldn’t do a Brittany Spears or Sharon Stone to anyone.)
I cried when I went into the operating room. I always do. I’ve done this too many times in my life and it is petrifying.
Waking up in post-op is also very scary and the first thing I did was ask for my husband. He was upstairs in my room waiting for me. I don’t remember actually getting to my room but I do remember seeing him. I can’t tell you how comforting it was to see his face.
The doctors were confident that if I had a good night, I could go home and recover there. My night was good but the morning was a little rough. We took our time committing to leaving but left after lunchtime.
Driving home from the hospital was pretty miserable. My pain level was pretty high during the last hour because my pain meds were just fading off. Every bump would rattle me to my core. My husband is a good driver and did an excellent job avoiding bumps and sharp turns.
I am just starting to eat. The fear of another stomachache is making me apprehensive toward meals but I am trying. The doctor said it would take awhile to get back to normal.
My goal is to be up and cooking by this weekend. I am hoping this operation will take care of the problem I have been having this past year. It has to because I miss food!
Thank you to everyone who has written with their concern. It has been awhile since I “Felt Like a Foodie” but I am on the mend and will be back in the kitchen soon!
did you get your underwear back ???
Glad you are on the mend! ((hugs))
Yes I did!!! : )
I kept them safely in my pocket, and only twirled them on my raised index finger one time in the pre-op room, (to make Barb smile).
Sounds like bloat to me. Maybe you are turning into a poodle!
I sure have the hair for it!!
You are a rock star! Even with such a worrisome story, you made me laugh! Love
Barb, Bob and I were so sorry to hear that you were in the hospital. We’ve been keeping you our prayers. Bob’s first wife had Crohn’s so he knows what it can be like. We are glad that you were able to go home and we see you regaining your strength and recovering quickly. And we also pray for your good health.
How brave of you to be so straight forward in sharing your experience, your vulnerability, your fear, and your tenacity. I’m “Zening” my love, support, and prayers for your good health to return AND STAY!! I’m sorry that I don’t have my own magic wand to wave a cure, but do hope your internal magic wand starts to do good work for you soon!! luv, marcie
You are our heroine, Barb – Thanks for keeping us posted and we are rooting for you.
Thank you so much for sharing your ordeal with us. I am so glad you are on the mend and pray for a much better year for you! Also that you will keep writing these great blogs!
So proud of both of you! What a team! Lv, Cuj
Thanks Denise! You are such a great support!
Thanks! I am okay and couldn’t do it without my sweet hubby.
I was just hoping you were going to open your “sickward” with Aunt Jinny to include me! : )
Thanks! I will be okay. : )
[…] the recent weeks, I’ve received some emails asking me how my Crohn’s disease has been since my surgery last year. I have good and bad days…I always will. Every meal has a “risk” element and I just keep my […]