There are a lot of things I don’t understand…for example, maps and geography. (Or are those the same things? That is how much I don’t understand them.) Either way it is a subject matter that doesn’t click in my brain.
I also don’t understand push-up bras. Why do you want to fill your bra with padding or gel? Eventually the person you want to notice your northern hemisphere ( map talk?) is going to find out your secret.
For whatever reason tonight, I just started thinking about things that don’t make sense to me. (You should now be thinking, “Barb, I don’t get this post. Where are you going with this?”)
I was making dinner tonight (lasagna) and wanted to make garlic bread. And started thinking about the premade garlic bread I’ve seen in the store. And I thought, I don’t understand why they sell pre-made garlic bread. It is never as good as homemade and you never know what it is going to taste like.
Why go to all the trouble of making a delicious meal when you are just going to accompany it with some mediocre bread? (I don’t understand.)
I kept saying “Why? Why? Why?” You have no clue if it is going to compliment your meal or overpower it. (See how deep my thoughts are on a daily basis. I carry the weight of the world on my shoulder.)
So tonight when I was making my garlic bread, I decided to step it up a notch. Maybe I needed a fun new homemade garlic bread to give my readers a whole new understanding of why they should make garlic bread at home.
Garlic Ranch Bread
3 Tbsp butter, melted
1 tsp minced garlic (fresh)
1 tsp powdered ranch dressing (I love Hidden Valley)*
Parmesan cheese
8 ½ inch slices of a baguette.
In a small bowl, mix butter, garlic and ranch dressing. Brush onto bread and sprinkle with parm. Broil for about 1-2 minutes until edges brown.
If you don’t have any Hidden Valley in the house, make your own. It isn’t “exactly” the same but it will do in a pinch.It makes a little more than a Tablespoon but you can save it for future uses.
Dry Ranch Mix.
1/2 tsp. dried parsley flakes
1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
1/4 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. garlic powder
1/8 tsp. onion powder
Dash of thyme
In my defense so people don’t think I’m really crazy. (If you don’t think I’m crazy, you must not follow my blog.) I do understand the purpose of maps (projects for junior high and high school students). And I’m sure push-up bras are appreciated by men and women everywhere. The store bought garlic bread is going to take some convincing.