It is that time of year….deviled egg season. When I started to create this year’s variations, I had to admit something to myself. I don’t know where chicken babies come from.
One of our friends brought me 2 dozen beautiful, fresh farm eggs. Talk about authentic…they still had hay and poop on them! (The poop was kind of gross but it made me feel these eggs were more legit.)
As I cleaned off my eggs, I started to freak out that I was going to find an underdeveloped chicken in one of them. How do the farmer’s know what the heck is going on in their coops? (Or on their free range, uncaged, rogue chicken farm.)
For all of you who have the same concern, I am here to put your mind at ease. Chickens are kind of like feminists, they don’t need a man to lay an egg. A chicken can lay all the eggs she wants without some goofy rooster ruffling her feathers.
You only get a fertilized egg if a rooster comes along and, um, mates with a chicken. I have sooo many inappropriate idioms I could use here but I am refraining. (But I will never hear the phrase “Cock a doodle do” without getting a bad case of the giggles!)
I still have some questions but for now I am just relieved that no frisky rooster got his beak (or other parts) on any of my chickens because I made some awesome deviled egg variations this year.
Devilled Eggs 2014
I’ve been asked to make it even easier to make some variations of devilled eggs. I thought my versions from the previous years (2013 and 2012) were awesome but I did try something new today.
To help allow you to figure out egg/mayo ratio, I scaled each version down as small as possible.
For every one hard boiled yolk-Use 1 ½ tsp mayo (Do I need to state the obvious that you slice the hard cooked egg in half, remove the yolk and fill the whites?)
Ta-dah. Season with salt and pepper OR Add some fun things like…
Chicken Salad
1 yolk
1 ½ tsp mayo
¼ tsp stone ground mustard
½ tsp finely chopped celery
Mix well and fill the two white egg halves.
Top with chopped celery leaf
Broiled Ranch Devilled Egg
1 yolk
1 ½ tsp mayo
¼ tsp dry ranch dressing
Mix well and fill the two white egg halves.
Top with ½ tsp parmesan cheese and ¼ tsp panko
Broil about 2-3 minutes until it gets lightly brown
1 yolk
1 ½ TBsp hummus
drizzle of olive oil
Mix well and fill the two white egg halves.
Top with Zatar and slivers of kalamata olives
Curry (This was my favorite of this batch)
1 yolk
1 ½ tsp mayo
½ tsp red curry
Mix well and fill the two white egg halves.
Top with Mango Chutney
1 yolk
1 ½ TBsp Kimchi
Mix well and fill the two white egg halves.
Top with fried shallots
Let me know which variations you tried and suggestions for next year. Or if you see some frisky roosters poking around local coops!
Very Funny, Great Post!
Thank you!!!